Amazon’s Carnival Row is officially entering the foray of fantasy television. The upcoming live-action series recently released a brief teaser, which shows Rycroft Philostrate (Orlando Bloom) and Vignette Stonemoss (Cara Delevingne) standing back-to-back on a cobblestone street. As the end of the teaser reveals, this isn’t your average kind of neo-noir story, as Vignette sports a pretty epic pair of fairy wings.
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Carnival Row will follow mythical creatures who have fled their war-torn homeland and gathered in the city as tensions are simmering between citizens and the growing immigrant population. At the center of the drama is the investigation into a string of unsolved murders, which are eating away at whatever uneasy peace still exists.
The story has had a pretty lengthy journey to the big screen, with the project initially getting picked up by Amazon in January of 2015. At the time, the series was set to be co-written, executive produced, and directed by beloved director Guillermo del Toro, who co-wrote the script alongside Travis Beacham and Rene Echeverria. Carnival Row is initially based on A Killing on Carnival Row, a spec script that Beacham wrote in 2005.
“We tried to do it for so long as a film that the rights reverted back to Travis as a basic story,” del Toro told THR back in 2015. “And I’ve always talked about it to anyone that would listen.”
Del Toro ended up stepping away from directing the project in May of 2017, but still serves as an executive producer. Jon Amiel was ultimately brought on to direct in his place.
Also starring in the series are David Gyasi, Tamzin Merchant, Andrew Gower, Karla Crome, Jared Harris, and Indira Varma.
What do you think of the first look at Carnival Row? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
Carnival Row is set to debut on Amazon Prime on August 30th.