TV Shows

Doctor Who: BBC America Teasing 13th Doctor Announcement

UPDATE: The 13th Doctor has just been revealed!Hold on to your hats and sonic screwdrivers Doctor […]

UPDATE: The 13th Doctor has just been revealed!

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Hold on to your hats and sonic screwdrivers Doctor Who fans, as BBC America is officially teasing the imminent announcement of the next Doctor!

This will be (for those counting) the Thirteenth version of the Doctor, following the a three-year run from Peter Capaldi, who became the Twelfth version of the Doctor in 2014. The announcement will be made this Sunday, July 16th, after the Wimbledon Men’s Final.

The teaser ad from BBC America doesn’t really reveal any juicy clues about the new Doctor’s identity (at least to the untrained eye); as always, however, fans have their personal preferences for who the Doctor should be played by – and what form (literally and figuratively) his regeneration should take.

More: Is This Actress The New Doctor?

In recent years, fans have called for a more diverse version of the Doctor to be introduced the series – a woman, person of color, or LGBTQ person being the most common.

This 13th version of the character will also be a significant milestone as it will mark the end of Steven Moffat’s time as showrunner on Doctor Who. Moffat (a longtime fan of the series) joined as a writer during the 2004 revival of the show, graduating to showrunner during the Doctor Who’s fifth series in 2010. For many fans of the revived series, Moffat is the primary architect of the show – and so, as stated, this 13th version of the the Doctor will be a regeneration in just about every sense of the word.

As stated in the BBC America ad: keep your eyes peeled on Sunday, July 16th, as the new Doctor will be announced!

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