Doom Patrol is a very unique show. The series, which was recently renewed for a third season on HBO Max, sees its team of misfit heroes not only deal with some very heavy issues, but some of the truly strangest things you could possibly imagine. After all, the show’s first season had everything from an apocalyptic evangelical cockroach, a farting donkey, carnivorous butts, and a world inside a snow globe — and that doesn’t even scratch the surface or count the insanity of Season 2. The result is a show that’s full of heart and humor but some of the humor happens behind the scenes as well — and series star Matt Bomer has a particularly hilarious story about a wardrobe mishap that seems perfectly in line with the series.
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During the show’s panel as part of last weekend’s second part of DC FanDome, Matthew Zuk, the actor who actually plays the physical aspect of Larry Trainor/Negative man, spoke about how the costume really helps inform the character for him. But when it came to that costume Bomer, who gives Larry Trainor his voice, had a funny story about how their attempt to share the costume didn’t quite go so well.
“I realized early on know that Matthew and I were going to need separate costumes because the first we at first we only had one we had to share it,” Bomer said. “And the first time I wore it, it was a stunt scene and I had to duck, and it tore from the ass down to the ankle. I realized I may have a little bit more kadonkadonk than Matthew so they’re gonna need a second suit for sure.”
Humorous wardrobe malfunction aside, Bomer also spoke about how working with Zuk is a “true collaboration” that he feels fortunate to get to be part of.
“What I love about this job is it is a true collaboration with another artist on the role. It’s not a one-sided mandate,” Bomer said. “We’ll have a discussion sometimes I’ll lay down an initial track, but Matthew is so brilliant what he finds on set, physically, is oftentimes so inspiring to me that I’ll go in and kind of vibe off of what he does so it really is a back and forth and I’m just so lucky that I get to work with him on the role.”
Doom Patrol seasons one and two are now streaming on HBO Max. Season 3 is expected to hit the platform in 2021.