Agent Carter Star Fuels Agents of SHIELD Theory by Admitting There Were Previous Talks to Connect His Avengers Character

The latest episode of Agents of SHIELD, 'Out of the Past,' was very true to its title. The episode [...]

The latest episode of Agents of SHIELD, "Out of the Past," was very true to its title. The episode followed the team in a black and white noir mystery during 1955 as they tried to save Agent Carter's Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) from being killed by Hydra. In the end, they faked his death in order to preserve the timeline, which means the character is unable to return to his old life. However, now he gets to join the team on their time-traveling adventures! Now that Sousa is joining the future, there's a fan theory going around that he is actually the cop at the Battle of New York in The Avengers played by Gjokaj. Recently, Gjokaj spoke to TV Line, and a story about almost joining Agents of SHIELD earlier makes us wonder if this theory is actually going to happen.

"There had been talk, for years, from Joss [Whedon] and Jed [Whedon] and Mo [Tancharoen]…. There was actually almost a bit of a 'false alarm' where this may have happened a while ago. There'd been talk of trying to get back my appearance from The Avengers, as that cop. There was talk of tying in my cop that appeared in The Avengers, but nothing was ever official. And then this came out of nowhere. And I was thrilled! I was thrilled," Gjokaj shared.

While there's no way Gjokaj was actually playing Sousa in The Avengers back in 2012, it would certainly be an easy retcon, especially now that the agents are time-traveling. The latest episode also made reference to Coulson's death in The Avengers, which leads us to believe they could easily revisit that day, much like the Avengers did in Avengers: Endgame.

Here are a couple of tweets from fans who believe this is the direction the show is headed:

Many people were hoping Peggy Carter would turn up on the series and interact with Sousa one more time, but Hayley Atwell recently shut down any hope of that happening. Considering Peggy now believes Sousa is dead, we're not exactly surprised by this outcome. Recently, Chloe Bennet (Daisy Johnson/Quake) teased that there will "definitely" be more surprise appearances in the final season, so we compiled a list of some of the major Agents of SHIELD players we'd like to see again.

Do you think Agents of SHIELD will make Gjokaj's cop character Sousa? Tell us in the comments!

Agents of SHIELD airs Wednesday nights on ABC at 10 PM EST