Loki: Director Reveals Person Who Inspired Victor Timely

Jonathan Majors drew very specific inspiration for Victor Timely.

Loki Season 2's third episode was directed by Kasra Farahani and he revealed the real-life inspiration for Victor Timely. The production designer talked to Variety about how Jonathan Majors thought about Granville Woods with this Kang Variant. Farahani explained how Woods was a brilliant inventor from the period in question who also had a bone to pick with Thomas Edison. From there, the director worked with Majors to flesh out the mannerisms for Timely. A lot of observers have made mention of the Kang the Conqueror actor's performance choices in Episode 3. It would appear some of that delivery was on purpose as they thought about Woods' place in history and injected some commentary on why he would have had to carry himself in such a grandiose manner.

"we took a lot of inspiration from a figure that that I had come across and I talked to Jonathan about named Granville Woods," Kasra Farahani revealed. "He was a Black inventor from the exactly the era Timely would have lived, who invented so many amazing things. He was constantly having his patents challenged by other prominent inventors. Edison tried to claim two of his patents; lost in court both times; ended up offering Woods a job. Woods turned it down."



- Marvel Entertainment)

 "So we wanted to get some of that element in there, that this is a person who's under duress," the director continued. "I mean, the very nature that he's making this presentation in the Hofbräu of the Midway, instead of the machine room in the White City, where everybody else is presenting their big inventions, is part of, I think, this dynamic."

Taking Loki Back to The Past

(Photo: Marvel)

The period touches were all around in "1893." ComicBook.com had the chance to speak with Loki costume designer Christine Wada about bringing all these wonderful looks to life. It seems like Ravonna Renslayer was especially singled out for some fashionable attire. After all, she's got a uniform when she steps into the past, and needs to blend-in with her new surroundings. 

"What's interesting is I was looking at all of these [costumes on display] earlier and I was thinking that the season became so difficult to figure out – the colors – because they time travel," Wada explained. "So it was just how could we make them not feel goofy when you also see them in these other eras. So it was like, I think everything kind of becomes tonally really vintage all the way across the board, which is fantastic, and kind of timelessly vintage."

Renslayer's 1893 costume also got some love, "This is pretty fantastic because it's based on a bicycle suit from that era that women ... it's actually culottes. The thing is, it really had a front panel that buttoned on that you could – and this is true to the era – so it had this front panel that buttoned on, so it looked like a skirt and women could then unbutton it and take it off or button it to the side and get on a bicycle. But it became problematic for the action, too, so we just never used the panel." 

Where Will Loki and These Characters Go Next?

(Photo: Marvel Entertainment)

Marvel Studios fan-favorite Tom Hiddleston stars in Loki Season 2, returning as the titular God of Mischief for another round of time-traveling hijinx on Disney+ on October 6th. Loki is once again joined by Mobius (Owen Wilson) as the two attempt to keep the timelines intact. After the events of Season 1 saw his variant Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) kill He Who Remains and unleash the wrath of Kang the Conqueror upon the Multiverse, Loki must once again embark on an adventure to keep reality from collapsing. 

Loki was last seen in the post-credits scene of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, where he and Mobius were keeping tabs on one of Kang's mysterious variants. Loki Season 2 will continue the story of the Multiverse Saga in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Were you aware of this historical influence? Let us know down in the comments!