Netflix Announces Love Is Blind Reunion Only Playing for Live Audience After Delay, But That's Not Entirely True

The live reunion for Netflix's hit reality series Love Is Blind has been nothing short of a disaster for the streaming service. The reunion was set to take place in Los Angeles on Sunday evening, to be streamed live on Netflix everywhere where else. That's not exactly what happened. The stream didn't go live at the scheduled time, causing Netflix to tell fans that it would only take 15 more minutes for things to get started. More than an hour later, most fans still hadn't seen anything, causing Netflix to make another update.

At the live reunion event in LA, Netflix announced that the reunion would be proceeding, even without the streaming being ready for everyone else. Representatives for the service revealed to those in attendance that they would be able to see the reunion, but that it wouldn't be available on Netflix until later Sunday night. As it turns out, that wasn't entirely true.

Most Love Is Blind fans haven't been able to see the show's reunion live. Some viewers, however, have been able to access the stream. It seems as though the live episode was available for a short time, and a handful of folks got locked in during the time it was working.

Amidst all the confusion, Netflix took to social media to share an apology and statement regarding the status of the Love Is Blind Live Reunion. The streamer apologized to fans and said that the episode would be available around the world "as soon as humanly possible."

"To everyone who stayed up late, woke up early, gave up their Sunday afternoon... we are incredibly sorry that the Love Is Blind Live Reunion did not turn out as we planned," reads the statement. "We're filming it now and we'll have it on Netflix as soon as humanly possible. Again, thank you and sorry."

Some fans are able to watch the Love Is Blind Live Reunion now. Others, unfortunately, will need to wait until later on Sunday when Netflix works out the rest of its technological issues.

What was your experience with the Love Is Blind reunion? Let us know in the comments!