Survivor‘s 46th season has, against all odds, become one of the iconic reality show’s most entertaining installments yet. This “new era” of the game has been met with plenty of complaints, but Survivor 46 has temporarily quieted many of them, delivering a dramatic and hilarious season filled with memorable cast members. The best part is, heading into Wednesday night’s season finale, it’s still anybody’s game. And judging by the way the penultimate episode ended, there are still plenty of fireworks to come.
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The duo of Charlie and Maria have been behind most of the decisions down the stretch this season, and last week’s edition of Survivor finally saw them take aim at one another. That alone will cause some drama at the start of the finale, but there are still plenty more opportunities for wild moments as the episode goes on.
Speaking to EW ahead of the Survivor 46 finale, host and showrunner Jeff Probst teased a very tense, eventful ending to what has been an all-time great season.
“This sets up a finale where every player will be assessing and reassessing their options and working overtime to manage their alliances,” Probst said. “There will definitely be some emotion in the finale. It’s inevitable. There are five players left and only three spots in the finale.”
“It will be a battle just to get to the end, he added. “Which means there is more Survivor blood to spill.”
Part of what makes this season’s ending so unpredictable is the jury. The cast of Survivor 46 has been all over the place since the merge, and there’s no telling where votes might go.
“In regards to the jury, I anticipated most members will come into the final Tribal Council undecided,” the host said. “This seems to be a hallmark of the juries in the new era Survivor. They come in open-minded and they are rarely influenced by group think. The criteria for picking a winner can be as individual as the jury member making the decision.”
Heading into the finale, five players remain. Wednesday night’s episode will be three hours long, taking the game from five contestants to one Sole Survivor. There will be another immunity challenge and one regular tribal council, taking the game down to four players. Then, a final immunity challenge will guarantee one person a spot in the final three. The winner will pick one player to join them at Final Tribal, while the other two face off in a fire-making challenge for the last spot.