Umbrella Academy: Netflix Has Not Committed to Season 3 Yet

Netflix has not committed to Season 3 of The Umbrella Academy yet. This news comes courtesy of [...]

Netflix has not committed to Season 3 of The Umbrella Academy yet. This news comes courtesy of some comments from Steve Blackman at CTAM. Alex Zaiben from Decider posted some tweets about the lack of a pick-up and some fans became worried that the show would be left on the shelf. However, Zaiben posted a clarification that the tweets was a paraphrase. It's pretty normal for networks to move in their own time when it comes to pickups. There's a great chance the news of Season 3 will come in September. From the sounds of social media, Season 2 of Umbrella Academy was a wild success. Now, showrunner Steve Blackman sat down with to talk about just how much of the show was filmed in Texas, the answer might surprise you.

"Just so you know, and we couldn't find a street in Dallas that looked like, 1963 street. we found it in Hamilton, Ontario, North of Toronto, we found a street that looked more like Dallas than Dallas did," he revealed. "And the wonderful thing about the street is, it was sort of stuck in the 1960s, it really had a lot of beautiful character. We put up some signs and a few things, but we didn't have to do a ton to the street. We had to spend a lot of attention on costumes and cars and stuff, period cars, but it took a lot of work, but one of the things I didn't want was anyone to be distracted by the period. You just accept that you're there, and then you can concentrate on the story, so to get it right is great, that we were able to do that."

Blackman continued, "The only thing we shot in Dallas is one thing, we shot the final scene with Kennedy, we're at the Grassy Knoll." For those that recall the scene from the penultimate episode, this sequence is unmistakably Dealey Plaza in Dallas, the site of President Kennedy's assassination."

Check out's review of Season 2 right here:

"If the first season of Umbrella Academy was about learning to live with your family's dysfunction and coming together to overcome your troubled past, season 2 is about making peace with yourself. It's integral for the characters in the series to find a way to live with themselves and where they are while also existing outside of a group," our Spencer Perry wrote. "There's certainly an air of similarity in how it handles the dynamic of the family from the first season, but the individual journeys on display carry the weight more than the group as a whole."

"Overall, The Umbrella Academy's second season expands on its idea in fun ways while giving us more of what we love about its titular team," he added. "Some moments of plot manipulation or slowness in the pacing bring it down a hair from its first season, but fans will find a lot to love about this new batch of episodes. And as expected, it has a killer soundtrack once again."

Did you love Season 2? Let us know down in the comments!