Daniel Bryan Denied Match with The Miz at SummerSlam, For Now

07/31/2018 09:55 pm EDT

Daniel Bryan versus The Miz got one step closer to happening at SummerSlam this week on SmackDown. But as of now, the match is still unofficial.

Bryan came out for a promo and talked about WWE's steps forward with Evolution and promoting women. He pivoted, though, and said that it seems with every two steps forward, they take a step back. He then showed footage of what happened last week on SmackDown when The Miz used a fake baby in the ring to distract him during a confrontation, throwing the doll at Bryan.

Bryan said that the segment bothered him greatly. He eluded to The Miz being scared to face him, noting the history that the two have. He remembered back to their feud begining during those Talking Smack segments two years ago. However, Bryan mentioned things changed when he cleared to return and says that The Miz knows that he would destroy him in a fight.

This brought The Miz up on the titantron, who wasn't at the venue. Instead, he was on the "set" of The Miz and Mrs. and played up the fact that last week's premiere episode was such a success. He then went into a spiel about how Bryan really doesn't want to face him and how he is an A-list celebrity while Bryan is still a guy who belongs on the indies.

The Miz said that it took Bryan 10 years to get noticed by WWE, while a fight with him during NXT finally made him famous in five minutes. Miz said that Bryan's best days are behind him, mentioning WrestleMania XXX being the past.

Bryan said that if The Miz is so sure, why don't they settle it at SummerSlam? Miz scoffed, saying that this isn't the indies where you can just challenge him to a match and he'll accept and run down. Miz said he needs to go through his agent. He then called Bryan a baby, with a rolling scroll of baby photos making crying noises coming up on the titantron.

We were left with the segment ending and Bryan vs. The Miz still being a prospective match for SummerSlam rather than confirmed, as Bryan looked on disappointed from the ring.

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