Chris Jericho Says He Could Go Back to WWE, But Prefers AEW

Chris Jericho shocked the wrestling world back at the start of 2019 when officially signed a [...]

Chris Jericho shocked the wrestling world back at the start of 2019 when officially signed a multi-year contract with All Elite Wrestling. Since then the former WWE star has headlined numerous AEW events and became the company's first world champion in August as its top heel. And yet in a new interview with The Aquarian "Le Champion" made it sound like he'd be able to hop back over to WWE if he wanted to, even though he's referred to himself as being WWE's "Public Enemy Number One" in previous interviews.

"I did all I could do in WWE," Jericho said. "Now I like being part of a company that I'm bringing up from scratch. That appeals to me. I could go back to WWE tomorrow and I know exactly where I'd stand. I prefer being here. There's no limits. It's uncharted waters. We don't even know what's going to happen from day to day at AEW. Also I think the fans like an alternative."

Jericho also stated that he didn't sign with AEW on an conditions of becoming world champion. The 49-year-old won the title by beating Hangman Page at All Out, and has since defended it against Darby Allin, Cody Rhodes and Scorpio Sky.

"I would never say that," Jericho said. "The belt is just a prop anyway. The important thing is how you conduct yourself, how you work in the ring, and how you connect with the audience. That's much more important than having a title."

Jericho said back in April that he's noticed how WWE has gradually removed him from most aspects of the product, minus his old matches on the WWE Network.

"I've talked with him [Vince McMahon] a couple of times, but I'm kind of public enemy number one there now," Jericho said at the time. "I've been kind of removed from the annals of history. I asked the other day if I could have a couple of their guys on my podcast to promote Mania and I was told, 'No, it's not appropriate because you're in AEW.' I am banned from WWE.

"I think my stuff is still on there [WWE Network]. I haven't been disgraced," he continued. "But as far as I know, they had to take some videos down from 'UpUpDownDown' of me playing. Took that off. They edited some stuff from the Edge and Christian show that had my name on it."

Jericho's latest appearance on AEW Dynamite saw him give a sales pitch for Jon Moxley to join The Inner Circle. The former WWE Champion is expected to give his answer to Jericho next week.