AEW's Mercedes Mone Retains TBS Title in Thrilling Battle on Dynamite

Mercedes Mone defeats CMLL star Zeuxis and will head into Forbidden Door as Champion

Mercedes Mone is set to take on NJPW Strong Women's Championship Stephanie Vaquer in a Title vs Title match at AEW Forbidden Door, but she has to get there with the Championship first. Standing in her way of that goal was CMLL star Zeuxis, who she would face for the Title during tonight's Dynamite, and Zeuxis put Mone through the wringer. Zeuxis was able to withstand an early onslaught from the Champion and take control of the match for a while, and the two both had close calls as the match played out. Mone was able to reverse a piledriver into the Mone Maker and get the win, ensuring her match at Forbidden Door will still have plenty of gold on the line.

The two stars traded strikes and came to a stalemate early on, but Mone started to get the upper hand after flinging Zeuxis to the other side of the ring. Zeus came back with a roundhouse kick to the head that you could hear loud and clear, but Mone wasn't done, taking things outside and throwing Zeus into the announce table.

Back in the ring Mone tried to capitalize but got her leg kicked out from underneath her, leading to a dive from Zeuxis that left Mone slammed to the floor. Zeuxis stayed aggressive, connecting with double knees in the corner before going for a cover, but Mone kicked out. Zeuxis then locked in a stretch hold on Mone, but Mone was able to reverse it into one of her own.

Mone tried to go in for an attack but got thrown to the side before Zeuxis went for another submission hold. Mone almost got Zeuxis in an unexpected pin, but the CMLL star kicked out. Zeuxis scooped up Mone and hit a Liger Bomb into a pin, but Mone kicked out. Another scoop slam followed but Mone countered with a hurricanrana into a cover, though Zeuxis kicked out.

Zeuxis got Mone in the corner but the Champ hit a sunset flip, only for Zeuxis to strike right back and go for a cover. Mone kicked out and then slammed Zeuxis down with a bulldog. A double knee strike followed and then Mone hit a second one before going up top. Mone hit the Meteor and went for the pin, but Zeuxis managed to kick out.

Mone hit a suplex and then hit another one, but Zeuxis blocked the third one. Zeuxis hit the double underhook and slammed the Champ down into a lung blower, but Mone stayed in the fight. Mone went over the top of Zeuxis and hit the money maker, and that was it for Zeuxis. Mone is still your TBS Champion.  

What did you think of the match, and will Mone retain her Title at Forbidden Door? You can talk all things wrestling with me on Threads and Twitter @mattaguilarcb!