Rumor: Brock Lesnar Hoping to Extend Stay in WWE

More than ever, it feels like Brock Lesnar is ready to walk away from WWE. With major UFC [...]

More than ever, it feels like Brock Lesnar is ready to walk away from WWE. With major UFC reservations on the loom, SummerSlam could be the last time we ever see Lesnar in a WWE ring.

But that's what we thought before WrestleMania 34. And the Greatest Royal Rumble. And apparently, Lesnar's exit from wrestling may not be the foregone conclusion that we have been lead to believe.

Rumors are part of being a WWE fan. But if this is your first time encountering a grumbling from behind WWE's curtain, just understand that they are inherently hit or miss. But according to Barn Burner Radio's Fired Up Podcast, Brock Lesnar met with Vince McMahon and WWE officials last week in hopes of negotiating a deal where he works in both UFC and WWE.

While this is a source that is mostly unproven, this is a situation we've all visited before. One of the most ironic facts in WWE history is that a brute like Brock Lesnar is one of the shrewdest businessmen in the industry. So the idea of him trying nab deals with WWE and UFC is no surprise.

At the moment, it's believed that Lesnar is on a short-term deal with WWE. some say he gets paid by apiece. Others say he signed a three-month deal that ends at SummerSlam. We do know that he's currently scheduled for the Raw after the Brooklyn supershow. That fact lends itself to the idea of him retaining against Roman Reigns because there's not much logic is giving Lesnar a send-off considering how many fans despise him at the moment.

True or untrue a rumor like this suggests that Romans Reigns' victory may not guarantee. The same goes for any cash-in attempt by Kevin Owens or Braun Strowman. If this rumor does anything, it serves ass a reminder that there is a chance Brock Lesnar leaves SummerSlam still Universal Champion.

However, right now that seems unlikely. With he and dual Heyman's relationship on the outs, Lesnar has severed the final tie that connects him to the WWE Universe. There's a chance they reconcile. There's a chance their separation was a ruse. There's a chance Brock Lesnar takes the Universal Championship to his UFC mega fight with Daniel Cormier.

If anything this rumor keeps alive one of the more interesting trends in WWE. While kayfabe has certainly changed, WWE is making a concerted effort to muddy the waters and make fans question what is real and what is fake when it comes to Lesnar. While many fans aren't excited to see Reigns and Lesnar main event yet again, everyone will want to know how it finishes.