JBL Gets Weird on Twitter About Cody Rhodes

JBL turned 52 on Thursday and the former WWE Champion spent his birthday drinking, betting on [...]

JBL turned 52 on Thursday and the former WWE Champion spent his birthday drinking, betting on football, and trolling Cody Rhodes.

No one is sure what sparked it, but as JBL tweeted about the Dallas Cowboys win over the New Orleans Saints, he decided to mix in some jabs at Rhodes.

"Ok, not wanting a comeback-but I could beat @CodyRhodes any day in any match, just like I could have beaten his daddy. It's simple math. Now back to my @dallascowboys" wrote JBL.

JBL has since admitted to "having a few too many" and actually deleted a tweet where he claimed he'd "kill" Rhodes. While it seemed to be jest, it was odd to see JBL mix in football rah-rah with insulting Rhodes.

"Got serious money on the Cowboys! I couldn't get money on @CodyRhodes if I tried," he said.

"Seriously. @CodyRhodes is a tool. Not in my league. I'm retired," he wrote.

"Biggest bet is @dallascowboys at +8.5. @CodyRhodes is an afterthought. Sorry, I'm busy and making money on football," wrote JBL.

Rhodes caught wind of JBL's trash talk but didn't seem to take it too seriously.

"I'm thinking JBL had a few drinks tonight..." tweeted Rhodes.

Friday morning, JBL recanted his tweets and underlined that everything he said had no mal-intent.

"Was having fun with Cody last night and said I'd kill Cody Rhodes, I obviously didn't mean that literally. It was a very poor choice of words, I go way back with him and his family and I just was talking smack in a pro wrestling sense. I apologize for that poor choice of words," he said.

This seems to be a harmless, yet head-scratching batch of tweets. As far as we know there isn't any bad blood between Rhodes and JBL, and the former's shrugging off of the tweets seems to indicate that everything is still cool.