Watch: John Cena Debuts a New Haircut

John Cena's choice in hairstyle has been the butt of many jokes in recent months, as the man [...]

John Cena's choice in hairstyle has been the butt of many jokes in recent months, as the man formerly known for the high-and-tight military-style cut finally let his hair grow. But on Tuesday night WWE dropped a new video on their YouTube channel showing Cena finally getting a trim.

Cena explained the need for a cut in Mandarin, as the video was directed at his fans in China.

"Hello friends! Long time no see. A year ago I shot a film with Jackie Chan. The director asked me if I could change my hairstyle. So right now you can see it's long and wild," Cena said as he shook his head. "Now I'm filming a new movie, and the director asked me if I can change my hairstyle. So now I will 'snip snip snip' my hair. My role in this film is a secret! I can't tell you anything about this role. But I can let you see my new look!"

The video then cut to Cena with his new look with his hair shortened and slick back with the sides trimmed down to a fade. Given that he's currently in London filming Fast & Furious 9, it's highly likely that the haircut was for that film.

Cena appeared in a WWE ring with his longer hair for a handful of matches in late 2018 and at the start of 2019. His last appearance came at WrestleMania 35 when he broke out his old "Doctor of Thuganomics" gear and hit Elias with an Attitude Adjustment.

In the months that followed the 16-time former world champion gave his thoughts on his WWE career, saying the WWE doesn't "need" him anymore given how many stars they've been able to build up since.

"[McMahon's] class of the Attitude Era changed and they had to rely on new people," Cena said in an interview with The Wrap. "In doing that, they took a tremendous financial hit up front, but in the longterm it ended up going strong for a decade and a half.

"[WWE is] certainly in a better place now than they were in let's say 2003, and I know Vince will say on a quarterly call that he needs his stars, but he's also aware that he's developing them at a more rapid rate than he did when I started," he added. "So I think the future is tremendously bright for WWE."