WWE Announces Kevin Owens 'Returns Soon' on Raw

Minutes after dropping news of Sami Zayn's comeback, WWE announced that Kevin Owens will soon [...]

Minutes after dropping news of Sami Zayn's comeback, WWE announced that Kevin Owens will soon return to the ring.

Raw ran a spot dedicated to Owens closing with a "Returns Soon" sign. While that language is intentionally vague, it seems his recovery from double knee surgery is going well. Early guesses had him coming back just ahead of WrestleMania, but with this news, WWE just planted the idea of him being back even sooner.

In October, Owens was written off of television so he could fix a batch of nagging knee injuries. While the specifics weren't available, most fans were braced for KO to miss WM35. But now WWE is dangling a carrot for 2019, and maybe Owens can score a big WrestleMania date after all.

Owens pending return is a big deal for WWE. Without him, they're missing a main-event level heel who can work with anyone, while also guaranteeing solid microphone work. No matter where you put Owens, he excels — except the disabled list, obviously. But with his return looming WWE will be able to bolster the Intercontinental Championship scene or give other main eventers something fun to do during WrestleMania season.

The last few months have seen WWE lose some of it's bigger players due to health. Ranging from Braun Strowman's elbow to Roman Reigns' illness, WWE is missing major chunks of its roster. Strowman looks like he'll be healthy enough for Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble, and both Owens and Zayn should be back in early 2019.