Matt Riddle, Keith Lee Appear On SmackDown and Attack Sami Zayn

The surprises during WWE SmackDown kept coming on Friday night as NXT's Keith Lee and Matt Riddle [...]

The surprises during WWE SmackDown kept coming on Friday night as NXT's Keith Lee and Matt Riddle made their debuts on a main roster television show.

Riddle and Lee showed up while Sami Zayn was giving a backstage interview. Zayn was talking about how nobody from NXT better show up in his face after what he saw with Shayna Baszler (who showed up earlier and attacked Bayley). After coming face to face with Riddle and Lee, Zayn played it off cool, complimenting them as members of the NXT brand noting he was once called the heart and soul of NXT.

Zayn went to reveal the shirt he had on under his jacket, playing it up like it was one of his NXT shirts. Instead, it was a plain black shirt. He then said he had the shirt in his car and was going to go get it. Calling his bluff, Riddle and Lee said they'd go with him.

What evolved was a chase, with Zayn hightailing it out to the ring. Riddle and Lee chased after him and caught up between the ropes. Riddle gave Zayn his high knee and Lee followed that up with his moonsault out of the corner.