Matt Riddle Talks WWE Negotiations, Says It's 'Time To Move On' from the Indies

Matt Riddle is definitely heading to one of the two biggest wrestling companies in the world, but [...]

Matt Riddle is definitely heading to one of the two biggest wrestling companies in the world, but if you listen to the "King of Bros," he hasn't decided which one.

It's been widely reported that Riddle has had discussions with both WWE and NJPW about full time deals. Most expect that Riddle will arrive in NXT imminently, with there being multiple reports about him possibly showing up at NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn IV later this year.

However, during an interview with Sports Illustrated, Riddle claimed that the final decision has yet to be made.

"I've been in situations like this before," said Riddle. "There is nothing official. I've talked to WWE, I've talked to the president of New Japan, and I am confident in where I stand in the world of professional wrestling."

Riddle is arguably the number one name on the independent circuit. The former MMA star moved on to pro wrestling after a highly publicized departure from UFC over his use of marijuana.

Since becoming a wrestler, Riddle has arguably picked up on the sport faster than almost anyone in history (though Kurt Angle may have something to say about that). He's an excellent performer who's former success in MMA gives him instant credibility.

Riddle is the reigning EVOLVE heavyweight champion and will be defending the belt this Saturday at a show at the former ECW Arena in Philadelphia. He noted in the interview that his time on the indies is definitely coming to an end.

"It's not that I don't love the indies, it's just time to move on," Riddle explained. "Places like EVOLVE, Beyond, those were the companies that gave me an opportunity, gave me a platform, and gave me the chance to run with the ball and showcase my skills. I got to mix it up with a world array of talent. I need more substance, I need to grow. I'm a shark and I swam in a lot of different ponds, but I'm ready for the ocean. It just depends if I'm going to the Atlantic or the Pacific."

For what it's worth, Dave Meltzer reported on Wednesday that Riddle's deal with WWE actually has been finalized, calling it a three year contract. If that's the case, an appearance in Brooklyn at NXT TakeOver would seem like a near certainty.