NXT's MSK Retain at Great American Bash

The first match of the night was the battle for the NXT Tag Team Championships. Tag Team Champions [...]

The first match of the night was the battle for the NXT Tag Team Championships. Tag Team Champions MSK came out ready to roll and ready to continue their Championship reign. They would need to take down the formidable team of Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher, who are easily one of the most physical tag teams on the roster, and they would certainly put MSK to the test. Thatcher and Ciampa looked intense, staring a hole through the Champions, and after the introductions, it was Ciampa in the ring with Carter. Ciampa went right for him, but Carter got the best of the opening exchange, causing Thatcher to tag in.

Thatcher started working on some joint manipulation but then Lee came in and the two tagged on Thatcher, but he got the best of them and Ciampa came in to even the odds. They went with big forearms to the chest on MSK, and then it was Thatcher going to work on Lee with a hold right in the center of the ring.

Thatcher continued with big knees and then hooked Lee's boot and went to link it to his head, but he relinquished the hold and dragged Lee to their corner. Ciampa tagged in and kept up the attack, and then hit Lee with a massive chop. He followed that up with a knee to the face and a pin but Lee kicked out. Lee fought out of a hold but Ciampa lifted him, though he evaded a kick from lee only to run into a dropkick from Lee, which sent him into MSK's corner and Let Nash in to hit with an uppercut and an Enziguri.

When we came back from commercial break Lee was dishing out a dropkick to Ciampa and then went for a bounce off the ropes but Thatcher pulled the rope and sent him flying. Ciampa went for a pin but Lee kicked out. Ciampa tagged in Thatcher but Lee kept him ab bay with kicks to the head. Carter tagged in and both stars went to work on Thatcher, but Thatcher kicked out of the ensuing pin. Carter went for huge chops to Thatcher's chest, but a duplex bought Thatcher some breathing room to tag in Ciampa. Ciampa got Carter in their corner, and they kept him grounded and hurting with punches and chops.

Carter got some momentum his way later in the match, and Carter and Lee both did a number on Ciampa, hitting him with twin splashes, and they would've had the win but Thatcher pulled Lee out just in time. Thatcher uppercut Carter to knock him down next, and then he tagged in so they could team up on Lee. They hit the fairytale ending on Lee and then Thatcher locked in the Ankle Lock on Lee but Carter managed to break it up.

Lee then locked in an inside cradle on Thatcher, and it was enough to get the win and retain the Championships.

Here's the card for tonight's NXT Great American Bash:

Kyle O'Reilly vs Adam Cole

Karrion Kross vs Johnny Gargano

Io Shirai & Zoey Stark vs The Way (NXT Women's Tag Team Championships)

MSK vs Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher (NXT Tag Team Championships)

LA Knight vs Cameron Grimes (Million Dollar Championship)

Hit Row Championship Cypher

What did you think of the match? Let us know in the comments or as always you can talk all things NXT with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!