Paige Reveals Details of Parking Lot Assault From Fan

After WWE's June 17 Money in the Bank show in Chicago, Paige felt the wrath of stupidity. At the [...]

After WWE's June 17 Money in the Bank show in Chicago, Paige felt the wrath of stupidity. At the time of the parking lot incident, only blurry details were available. But Paige recently shared her perspective.

During an appearance on Renee Young's Regular Girls Podcast, Paige explained exactly what happened.

"Every time I fly to Chicago there's always like thousands of fans anyway, they're all diehard fans which is great, but you always get one d—k-h—d, right?" Paige explained. "So while I'm tagging people's hands he comes along to like shove his hand in the car to like pie-face me. So, everyone who seen it, it was like slow motion and he put it on the end of my nose and I'm like, 'what the f—k?'"

Because stiff-arming Paige wasn't enough the fan decided to add insult to the equation.

"Then he told me to, 'lose some f—king weight b—h," she recalled. "So that happened and I remember I got in the car and I was so mad about it but I was like, 'you know what? I've had a very s—y year-and-a-half and I really need to get my s—t together," she said.

Despite her well-understood anger, Paige reasons that making a scene out of one idiot simply was not worth the trouble.

"Because if I blow up right now it's definitely gonna be on the internet and it's gonna be Paige being the bad guy. So I was like, 'alright I'm gonna relax.' I texted Mark Carrano because obviously he's our boss and I was like, 'this is what happened out here, just to let you know.' I was really upset about it because you know you can never make everyone. You're either too skinny or too fat. And you know how you get angry tears? It was like angry tears like grrr."

As Paige mention, the last 18 months of her life have been tumultuous, to say the least. On top of a highly toxic relationship with ex-fiance Alberto Del Rio, Paige dealt with a sex tape scandal, drug abuse, and a career-ending injury.

In January, an errant kick from Sash Bank sent Paige crumbling to the mat. No one knew it then, but at that moment, Paige's in-ring career had ended before our eyes. Paige spoke to Edge and Christian on their podcast about that accident.

I lost all feeling in my legs and my arms. It was literally the terrifying experience in my life and I would never wish that upon anyone. It was so scary," she recalled.

"I literally was like 'Oh my gosh, I'm done, I'm going to be in a wheelchair now, this is it, I've pushed myself too much,'" Paige admitted. "Because I really did, because every time I was in the match I was like 'its okay, I'll do the comeback, I'll take the bump, I'll do this, I'll do that' because I was just so eager to get back in the ring you know. I feel like I pushed myself too hard to the point of where my body was like 'stop.' You know I've been doing this since I was thirteen as well and my body was like 'you need time to grow woman,'" she said.

[H/T Wrestling Inc.]