Ronda Rousey Boasts Her F-Word Privilege in New Video

Ronda Rousey continues to operate above WWE's law as she just released another video of her [...]

Ronda Rousey continues to operate above WWE's law as she just released another video of her flaunting R-rated language.

In early March, Rousey put out a video where she ran down WWE fans, Superstars and professional wrestling as a sport in a diatribe that included dozens of f-bombs. On Tuesday, she put out a new clip where she acknowledged her special status to use the f-word, whereas most Superstars would get booted from the company for using it once.

"I think they would have got fired [if they made a similar video], which might be one reason why maybe it's a double standard that's pissing people off. [Go get a medal and beat some women up for real], then you can say f—k," Rousey.

Rousey's new heel character hinges on her continued attack on kayfabe, as her recent promos have centered around her exploiting wrestling as a "fake" sport. She's a little more relaxed in this video, but Rousey matter-of-factly discussing the rules of her being a heel underlines her irreverence for WWE's magic act.

"Now that I'm a heel, I can be, like, openly profess my love to all the heels that I love. Here's a list of some of the heels that I love: I love you, Liv Morgan, I love you, Sarah Logan, I love you, Ruby Riott, and I love you, Stephanie McMahon. Well, I can't go down the whole list. I'll probably ruin everything, and everyone's all mad. 'No, you're not supposed to like people that you're supposed to hate,' Rousey mocked. 'Eh, don't like her photo. Okay? Thanks.'"

By Rousey assuming this anti-wrestling role, she's morphed into a mouthier version of Brock Lesnar. However, compared to Rousey's outward disdain, Lesnar looks far more the company man.

This all started a few weeks ago when Rousey turned heel to close out a Raw. By her gratuitous attack on Becky Lynch and scathing words for WWE fans, Rousey exchanged her wrestling honeymoon for a crusade against the sport. the next day she cut the expletive-laden promo on her web series.

"It wasn't a promo. They gave me other things to say I didn't f—ing say it. It's not a f—ing promo. It's not an act. I'm not going out there and doing their f—ing act anymore. They can say it's not an act to try and save face with everyone else, but it's not an act. I'm going out there and I'm doing whatever the hell I want and they can explain it away however the hell they want, but f— 'em, everybody — WWE Universe included."

"I meant that I'm going to disrespect the sport that they all love so much. 'Oh don't break kayfabe Ronda' — Wrestling's scripted, it's made up, it's not real. None of those bitches can f—n' touch me. The end," she said.