Who Does The Miz Feud With Next in WWE?

How you feel about certain superstars tends to depend on what you classify as most important, […]

How you feel about certain superstars tends to depend on what you classify as most important, whether that be athletic talent, gimmick, promo ability, or pure wrestling skill. If you factor in the ability to captivate an audience and make them despise you with your antics, The Miz has to be included in the best superstars discussion.

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He can draw heat like no other, and his matches are always entertaining, no matter who happens to be his opponent. He’s devious as a heel, and he will go to all lengths to win, something you need in a quality heel. Now that his feud with Dolph Ziggler is at an end, he will need a new opponent and barring a trade from RAW it will need to be someone who is currently on Smackdown Live.

Here are our four picks for the next feud with The Miz.

Tyler Breeze

Tyler Breeze is in need of something to do these days, and entering into a feud with The Miz would certainly fill his schedule with something memorable.

The only thing is that fans will automatically cheer Breeze, as Miz is truly skilled at gaining heat wherever he goes. Breeze has been a heel ever since he made the transition from NXT, so going againstย The Miz would be a perfect excuseย to turn him into a babyface. Plus, Breeze taking selfies all the time and his generally high opinion of himself would frustrate The Miz to no end, and he would revel in throwing Breeze’s lukewarm run so far on the main roster in his face.

It could spark a great revival for Breeze, and give The Miz an entertaining opponent until he moves on to higher aspirations.

(Photo: WWE)


Heath Slater

Heath Slater is in the midst of a career renaissance as it were, being teamed with Rhyno and holding the Smackdown Live Tag Team Championships. Unfortunately, it looks like that is coming to an end, and if Slater enters into another solo run, he’ll need an entertaining opponent to keep his momentum.

Enter the blissful heelness of The Miz, who would love to kick Slater back to the doldrums of the lower card. The spotlight would give Slater every chance he needs to make a statement that he can indeed be a successful solo performer and endear him to audiences as a true babyface.

(Photo: WWE)


Dean Ambrose

After the AJ Styles vs Dean Ambrose feud runs its course, Ambrose will need another opponent. If Ambrose has the championship around his waist, it will serve as a great opportunity for The Miz to compete for the top belt in WWE. If Ambrose doesn’t have the belt, it will serve as a way for Ambrose to compete for the Intercontinental Championship.

Either way, the feud would be a blast, especially given Ambrose’s ability to exude complete indifference to his opponent. That would upset Miz to no end, feeling as if he is the main ratings draw of Smackdown.

(Photo: WWE)


John Cena

The face that runs the place has to come back to the WWE sometime, and entering into a program with The Miz would be an excellent way to get his bearings again and deliver a fantastic feud for Miz to launch from.

Granted, it can only work ultimately if The Miz is allowed to go over Cena, but Miz can win in just about every other way besides clean, ย so it wouldn’t hurt Cena. In fact, at this point nothing can really hurt Cena’s legacy, so having him take a few losses should be fine. This could also be the way WWE splits Miz and Maryse in kayfabe land, as Maryse starts to regret giving the Miz so many victories, wanting the spotlight for herself.

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(Photo: WWE)
