WWE: Every Record The New Day Broke at NXT Deadline By Winning the NXT Tag Titles

The New Day's Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods won the NXT Tag Team Championships from Pretty Deadly at NXT Deadline on Saturday night. And with the win, the pair made history in quite a few ways. As a trio, Woods, Kingston and Big E now combine for 12 tag team championship reigns in WWE and Woods & Kingston now join The Revival (aka FTR) and The Street Profits as the only team to have held the Raw, SmackDown and NXT tag titles at least once. Kingston also now holds the record for most tag team championship reigns in WWE history with 15, surpassing Booker T's 14 reigns recognized from his time in WWE and WCW. 

Other records broken that night include Kingston being the first former WWE Champion to win an NXT title after his world championship reign and Woods being the first King of the Ring to win gold in NXT. The two celebrated their historic victory in a post-show interview.

The New Day's Future in WWE NXT

Shawn Michaels was asked during a media conference call earlier this week about Kingston and Woods' plans for competing on WWE's developmental brand — "We never go into it asking for long-term, we kind of take everybody's temperature when they come here and hope that it does. We understand if it doesn't and the commitments, but I'll say this, they really enjoyed being here Tuesday and I know that there is an aspect, Xavier started here and has wanted to come back for a long time. It's amazing, the two young guys, and they've been doing this for a long time and have accomplished everything. They get to that point where they want to start to be able to give back and I think that's where New Day is. I won't lie, I am absolutely hoping to take advantage of that. They really had a great time and we are going to try and do everything we can to keep them here as long as we can. I asked them if we could broach those conversations and they were certainly open to it. I'm really hoping it's certainly more than a one-time thing. It just becomes a question of how long. Those are always the questions and we understand that, those are the ones that they have to think about and talk with family members and those are things that have to get straightened out with NXT and main roster talents, but they appear to be open to the conversation, which we are very excited about,"

"There are a lot of main roster talent that have NXT roots and a lot of them like to come back and help out," he later added. "We have a lot of them that live here in Orlando, that's a big advantage to us as well. Usually, the process is something like, if we're thinking about from a creative standpoint and we have it at X date, I do everything I can to get on the horn to Hunter [Triple H] and Bruce (Prichard), and see what the possibility is. Then, there are some, I don't know whether it's right or not, I take advantage of the cool titles and, 'Hey, this is a quick one out of the blue, this is what we need. Can we get someone on the quick?' That's obviously more difficult and it's not always...if we can get to somebody, but we're not sure who. It is a number of different ways and we've done every one of them at one point or another."