Breezango Win the NXT Tag Team Championships

For the first time in Fandango and Tyler Breeze's WWE careers, both men captured championship gold [...]

For the first time in Fandango and Tyler Breeze's WWE careers, both men captured championship gold on this week's NXT as the two defeated Imperium's Fabian Aicher and Marcel Barthel to become the new NXT Tag Team Champions. The pair earned a shot at the gold back at NXT TakeOver: XXX, and found an opening in the match after Breeze escaped the heels' double-team finisher and nailed them both with Superkicks. He then tagged in Fandango, who hit both men with a diving legdrop and covered Aichner for the win.

The pair then celebrated at the commentary desk. Imperium's reign with the tag titles ends at 105 days, having initially won it from The Broserweights (thanks to a betrayal by Timothy Thatcher) in May.

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