Paul Heyman Explains When Brock Lesnar Will Return to WWE

Brock Lesnar has not appeared in a WWE ring since dropping the WWE Championship to Drew McIntyre [...]

Brock Lesnar has not appeared in a WWE ring since dropping the WWE Championship to Drew McIntyre at WrestleMania 36, and back in August news broke that "The Beast" was officially a free agent after his latest WWE contract expired. In an interview with ESPN's Ariel Helwani, Paul Heyman was asked this week about Lesnar's future, including if he believes Lesnar will ever fight in the UFC again. Heyman continuously echoed the statement that Lesnar does whatever he wants on his own timetable and that he'll be back when there's a worthy challenger who interests him. Previous reports have indicated Lesnar will be back once live fans are able to pack arenas again.

"It depends on if there's a worthy challenger and enough box office appeal," Heyman explained. "Right now, he's very happy being a farmer and a magnificent father to his children. However, if there's something that WWE can offer that intrigues, motivates, or inspires Lesnar, and if the money is right and the business is solid, I'm sure he would be willing to do it."

When the topic of another MMA fight came up, Heyman said he felt that Lesnar got the itch to return out of his system when he fought Mark Hunt at UFC 200 back in 2016.

"Number One, I don't think there's enough money to get him to do it," Heyman said. "Number Two, I don't know what would entice him to do so. And Number Three, I think when Brock Lesnar came back at UFC 200 and survived being punched in the face by Mark Hunt and still won the fight, which very few people do after getting punched in the face by Mark Hunt, I think that itch got scratched."

During the same interview Heyman explained why he was fired as Monday Night Raw's executive director.

"When I took the role of Executive Director, I made an agreement with Vince McMahon," Heyman said. "I want this job as long as every morning Vince McMahon woke up, he said thank God or whatever deity he subscribes to [that] Paul Heyman is looking after the store on Raw. And the day that Vince McMahon didn't wake up and feel that way, I didn't want the job anymore. I've been in a similar role when Vince was not happy with me and it's a miserable existence. I didn't want it and apparently on that day on that given time and given moment, Vince didn't wake up that morning thanking whatever deity he subscribes to that Paul Heyman was in charge of Raw. We left with a smile, a handshake, and a hug. Absolutely no harsh feelings and actually better feelings about each other because of the way that it ended because it's ended miserably before."