WWE Reportedly Pushing Stephanie McMahon To Take Over Sooner Than Later

On Monday, Stephanie McMahon announced that she was publishing her memoirs through Regan Arts, the same publisher of Ronda Rousey's autobiography My Fight/Your Fight. Details are slowly being released about the book's topics, which include her long-rumored relationship with WWE Hall of Famer and wrestling legend "Macho Man" Randy Savage. Also emerging is the strong push for the book, which is to be reportedly titled "Lady Balls", after WWE filed a trademark for the term. It recounts her early days with the company as receptionist to her current position as Chief Brand Officer. It is aiming to appeal to the

Stephanie McMahon bio
(Photo: WWE)

On Monday, Stephanie McMahon announced that she was publishing her memoirs through Regan Arts, the same publisher of Ronda Rousey's autobiography My Fight/Your Fight. Details are slowly being released about the book's topics, which include her long-rumored relationship with WWE Hall of Famer and wrestling legend "Macho Man" Randy Savage.

Also emerging is the strong push for the book, which is to be reportedly titled "Lady Balls", after WWE filed a trademark for the term. It recounts her early days with the company as receptionist to her current position as Chief Brand Officer. It is aiming to appeal to the WWE female fanbase and offer insight on what it was like growing up in the bizarre world of professional wrestling. The mainstream media attention for the book is set to be astounding which could result into Stephanie taking more of a charge and bigger role as a TV personality and behind the scenes as well.

Vince McMahon has stated he has no interest in retirement, but at the age of 70 years-old, Vince has to realize the time to pass the torch is approaching and soon. Using the book as a springboard, Stephanie is looking to be marketed as the driving force behind the company, though it's no secret that her and her husband, Triple H, have been major players behind the scenes for over a decade now.

The book is set to be released this September, which would allow WWE to get their plans aligned just right and give Stephanie ample time to get a headstart on WWE programming to act the part as the boss. There no plans for Vince to simply retire, as he is the majority shareholder, but it would make sense for Stephanie to take the reins as it's been building up to this for years now.

She's held her position of Chief Brand Officer since 2013 and is easily the most qualified to run things once Vince slowly but surely steps away from the day-to-day business of the company. It's also the most logical choice as she's been a full-time employee of the company since 1998.

There is a major mediablitz planned for the release of the book so be prepared for Stephanie to take a more active role and get tons more television time until the launched book tour in the fall. Currently, her storyline is sharing the WWE between her and her brother, Shane, but with this plan possibly in the works, that could change by the summer easily.

(Via Inquisitr)