WWE's Sasha Banks and Naomi Win Women's Tag Team Championships at WrestleMania 38

Night two of WrestleMania 38 is underway, and it's finally to battle it out for the Women's Tag Team Championships, a battle between Queen Zelina and Carmella, Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan, Shayna Baszler and Natalya, and Sasha Banks and Naomi. First up was Ripley and Carmella, but then Carmella quickly tagged Banks in and her and Ripley locked up. Banks then locked up with her and they countered each other but Ripley looked like she had the upper hand, and then she tagged in Morgan. Then the other teams started attacking Naomi and Ripley so Banks and Morgan defended their partners.

Then Banks and Morgan were in the ring and Banks got the upper hand first and rolled up Morgan but Morgan escaped only to get caught by Banks. Morgan caught Banks and then hit an impressive move off the ropes and then an Oblivion off the ropes but Natalya was the active person and she delivered a big boot to the face and Baszler then went to pin her but the other competitors all pounced.

Baszler then stomped on Morgan's ankle and she cut off her tag to Ripley. Then she put Morgan in a Footlock on the ankle she just stomped. Carmella then tagged herself in and cut off Baszler's attack, trying to get the pin for herself. She slammed Morgan in the corner and tagged Zelina in, who kicked Morgan and then went for a taunt and hit a Code Red, but Ripley picked her up and put her not eh top rope. Natalya then knocked down Carmella and Naomi hit Natalya. Baszler hit Naomi and Banks hit a Codebreaker on her, but Carmella caught Ripley and hit a Hurricanrana.

Zelina then took out Ripley on the outside and Banks was tagged in by Naomi, who teamed up on Morgan. Naomi was tagged in and they went to opposite turnbuckles but were kicked launched off the top by everyone else. They were all down on the mat at this point, but Morgan made it over to Naomi and covered her but she kicked out. She tagged in Ripley and Ripley then lifted her up and they hit a Riptide, and Ripley had her pinned only for Banks to come in and break it up.

Natalya slammed Ripley into the post but Baszler tagged herself in and they knocked down Naomi, but Morgan broke up that pin. Baszler slammed Morgan down and then tagged Natalya in, and they were trying to deliver a Hartattack but Carmella broke it up and tagged herself in. Naomi then rolled her up but she kicked out. She was launched into Zelina's knee and Carmella hit a Superkick but Naomi kicked out. Carmella covered her again but she kicked out once more.

Naomi then hit a big kick to the ear on Carmella and tagged in Banks, who hit a splash and went for the pin but Carmella kicked out. Then Banks locked in the Bank Statement but Zelina dragged her out of the ring. Banks went outside and hit a Meteora on Zelina, but Carmella rolled her into the ring. Banks tagged Naomi in and delivered a big kick, and then they hit quick tags and executed a finisher and then pinned her, and now Sasha Banks and Naomi are your new WWE Women's Tag Team Champions.

What did you think of the match? Let us know in the comments or as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!