Baron Corbin Beats Roman Reigns at WWE TLC Thanks to a Ton of Outside Interference

King Baron Corbin managed to pull off a shocking win over Roman Reigns at TLC on Sunday night [...]

King Baron Corbin managed to pull off a shocking win over Roman Reigns at TLC on Sunday night thanks to interference from Dolph Ziggler, The Revival and a large team of security guards. Since the build to Survivor Series the reigning King of the Ring had been arguing that he was the reel locker room leader on SmackDown, not Reigns. This carried on after the battle between brands, which involved Corbin poking fun at Reigns' "The Big Dog" nickname, hitting him with dog food and recruiting other heels on the roster to join his cause. Their match on Sunday night ended when Reigns was hit with a Zig Zag, a Shatter Machine and an End of Days on a Steel Chair.

The match started off with both men refusing to use any weapons. But that changed when Corbin suddenly pulled out a can of dog food from under the ring and smacked Reigns in the face with it, setting him up for a chokeslam through a table.

Corbin then pulled Reigns to the outside to try and powerbomb him through an announce table. Reigns woke back up at the last moment and countered with a Samoan Drop through another table.

Reigns' advantage didn't last long, as Dolph Ziggler suddenly appeared from under the ring and delivered a surprise superkick.

The two heels then tried to handcuff Reigns and pour dog food on him like they did two weeks ago, but Reigns kicked them away with a Drive-By. He then grabbed a kendo stick and did away with Corbin's special security team.

The Revival, still sporting injuries from their ladder match earlier in the night suddenly appeared and jumped Reigns. Eventually "The Big Dog" took out the entire crowd with a suicide dive on the entrance ramp.

Reigns then set up for the spear, only for Ziggler, Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder to run back in and attack again. From there Corbin took over and pinned the former world champion.