WWE: Triple H Injured At Crown Jewel

It seems The Game Triple H was injured during his match at WWE Crown Jewel and will be returning [...]

It seems The Game Triple H was injured during his match at WWE Crown Jewel and will be returning to the United States.

WWE revealed that during the match between Shawn Michaels and Triple H (D-Generation X) vs The Undertaker and Kane (Brothers of Destruction) at Crown Jewel Triple H tore his pectoral muscle, and so he will return to the United States for surgery. We're not sure how long he'll be out, but we'll keep you posted as more information becomes available (via NoDQ).

It isn't clear when he was hurt, but it was a pretty physical match, so it could've happened at several points. Triple H did go through an announcers table during the match and took more than a few bumps at other times, so hopefully, we'll have more clarity soon.

Triple H recently teased a WreslteMania matchup against Batista during Smackdown 1000, where the members of Evolution came together for a friendly promo. During the promo though Batista ribbed Triple H about some things, and while the two shook hands there was a plotline for a match introduced, and it would end up being at WrestleMania 35. Hopefully, this injury doesn't derail that match, as there are more than a few fans who would love to see it happen.

Triple H has been injured before and has always come back stronger and better afterward, so we're hoping for the same result here. As for Crown Jewel, you can find the full results for the event below.

United States Championship Kickoff Match

Shinsuke Nakamura defeats Rusev

SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match

The Bar defeats The New Day

World Cup Tournament

Dolph Ziggler defeats Shane McMahon

WWE Championship Match

AJ Styles defeats Samoa Joe

Universal Championship Match

Brock Lesnar defeats Braun Strowman

Triple H and Shawn Michaels defeat The Undertaker and Kane