WWE's Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin Retain NXT Tag Team Titles at Roadblock

Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin retain their WWE NXT Tag Team Titles in a thriller at Roadblock

WWE got NXT Roadblock underway with an Asylum match, and then it was time for the first Championship bout of the night. The NXT Tag Team Champions Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin put the Titles on the line against Chase U's Andre Chase and Duke Hudson, who were looking to become Two Time Tag Team Champions. Breakker and Corbin got off to a hot start, but Hudson and Chase stayed in the mix and turned the tide midway through, and at one point they had victory in their grasp, only for Breakker to intervene at the very last second. Breakker would take out Hudson just long enough for the Champs to hit Chase with an End of Days Spear combo, and that was enough to get the pin and the win, retaining their Titles.

Chase and Corbin got things started, and Chase almost got a quick pin but Corbin kicked out. Breakker tagged in and the two knocked Chase to the mat after a clothesline, and Chase was on his own after Hudson was knocked off the ring apron. Breakker built up an absurd amount of speed and knocked Chase to the mat again, but Hudson intervened and kept Breakker and Corbin for going for a pin.

That energized Chase, who knocked Breakker and Corbin to the floor and then dove to bring them both down again. Chase U went on a big run at this point, keeping the Champs from building up any momentum. Corbin and Breakker turned the tables though, with Breakker shifting everything when he slammed Chase down from the top rope.

Corbin and Breakker then focused on keeping Chase away from his partner, and Breakker hit a mean cutter and went for the pin, but Chase found the will to kick out. Chase bought himself some space and tagged in Hudson, who went right at Breakker with a big boot to the face. Then Hudson fended off Corbin and Breakker, but Corbin secretly tagged in. Hudson still got the sidewalk slam on Corbin and went for the pin, but Corbin kicked out.

Hudson hit an up and over suplex and then tagged in Chase, and they hit the team combo for a pin attempt but Breakker broke it up at the last minute. Corbin threw Chase into the turnbuckle as Breakker and Hudson brawled outside of the ring. Breakker dove and knocked Hudson into the announce table, and Corbin flipped Chase out of the ring. Chase evaded Breakker, who crashed into the steel steps, and that set him up for a big crossbody on Corbin, but Corbin kicked out.

Corbin then hit an End of Days on Chase and Breakker raced in and hit the spear, finishing off Chase to get the pin and the win. Breakker and Corbin are still your WWE NXT Tag Team Champions.

What did you think of the match? Let us know in the comments, and you can also talk all things wrestling with me on Threads @mattaguilarcb!