WWE's Newest SmackDown Bray Wyatt Tease Has Been Solved

WWE's latest episode of SmackDown was already rather loaded, but then WWE got fans buzzing even more when they revealed another QR code tease during the episode. At one point Hit Row, The Street Profits, Natalya, Drew Gulak, and more were all partying backstage, and when the camera flashed by a table a QR code could be seen. The code led people to a game where you had to get the white rabbit through a red door, and once you walk through the door, you are given a set of coordinates. People have figured out where those coordinates lead, and you can check out the post in action below.

As for the coordinates, they appear to be referring to Rogers Place in Edmonton Alberta, and that just happens to be where Monday Night Raw will take place this coming Monday. After that break, White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane played, which corresponded to 9:23 EST, matching the numbers from the previous tease (via PWMania).

The other big part of the tease was the word Patricide that displayed above the coordinates. Soon the connection to Wyatt's first FCW promo was made, a promo where Wyatt talked about killing his own father, who was captain of his own shrimp boat (via Wrestling News). He said he hated his dad and that he was a mean dad who pulled him out of school. He said he didn't need to be around other kids, and then he said that randomly one day his dad's boat caught on fire and he sunk to the bottom of the sea with his boat.

The teases are becoming more and more clear at this point, and all signs point to Wyatt making a return to WWE. The question now becomes when will that actually happen, and many are thinking it will end up being at Extreme Rules, which is in just a few weeks.

He could also make his return on a Raw, but we'll just have to wait and see.

What do you think of the teases so far and where do you want to see Wyatt make his WWE return? Let us know in the comments!