
The Flash: Mark Hamill Returns On The Mid-Season 2 Finale

This week, was invited to the set of The Flash with a small group of reporters […]

This week, was invited to the set of The Flash with a small group of reporters where we learned a lot about the upcoming season of CW’s new smash hit. While on set, we learned that The Flash is filming its midseason finale which will be a Christmas episode set to air on December 8th and featuring a number of familiar faces.

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“What does Christmas have in store for Iris this episode?” Candice Patton said during an interview. “I mean, it’s a lot about family. Which is a big plot point for Iris this season. That’s really exciting. Other than that I don’t know that there’s much more I can say. We see some … A reappearance of some rogues from the past that we know very well. It’s a good Christmas episode. Just like the last one. Good villain, and good love, and good heart.”

Series star Grant Gustin would later confirm that at least one of the familiar Rogues will be Mark Hamill in his role as The Trickster, meaning that just as Star Wars mania reaches its fever pitch ahead of the December 18 release of The Force Awakens, Hamill will be back on your TV along with some other Rogues…

…could this be the long-awaited Rogues episode that was supposed to be the Season Two premiere of the 1990 The Flash? At one point, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg teased the possibility of finally bringing all of the Rogues together as a potential Season Two premiere.

What does the episode have in store for Caitlin Snow? Danielle Panabaker teased “mistletoe.”

Given her flirtations with Jay Garrick in last week’s “Flash of Two Worlds” episode, many of the reporters assumed it would be he who would share some steamy moments with Caitlin, if anyone. Teddy Sears, who plays Garrick, was reluctant to give up anything specific, saying only that he hadn’t filmed anything like that…yet. [Emphasis ours, but you know you were thinking it, too.]

Stay tuned to for more from the set of The Flash, as well as some other WB shows.

So what do you think? Are you excited for a holiday themed episode? Let us know in the comments section below.