Ahead of tomorrow’s episode of Supergirl, titled “Truth, Justice and the American Way,” CBS has — as they’re wont to do — released a few clips to give fans an idea of the episode’s flavor.
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“Truth, Justice and the American Way” sees Supergirl squaring off against the Master Jailer, who is kidnapping and killing aliens, while in the background, her uncle Non is threatening a blood feud against humanity as a result of Astra’s death in “For the Girl Who Has Everything.”
And, in one of those scenes (embedded below), Bleeding Cool joined our own Jay Jayson last night in noticing a line of dialogue which might hint at one of DC’s most deadly villains/antiheroes making a trip to — or at least existing in — the world of Supergirl.
The thinking goes — and it’s hard to argue with — that the way Alex blanched at the notion of a cosmic bounty hunter and both she and Henshaw refer to “him,” it can really only be Lobo they’re talking about.
In the DC Universe, Lobo originated as a villain for the Omega Men, but in the ’90s became a fan-favorite (and best-selling) antihero whose hulking, massive biker look, ultraviolent approach to his bounty hunting, and colorful catchphrases (“Bite me, fanboy”) became his calling cards.
For the New 52, the hulking, scuzzy biker has been toned down to look a little more white collar, as seen above. It’s hard to picture Warner Bros. wanting to market that version to outside media, but it’s there he’s had the most to do with Supergirl.
Supergirl airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.