Shortly before The Dominators took on The CW’s DC Universe during a three-night, four-show crossover between Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, producers admitted something surprising: after “Invasion!” was over, they weren’t quite done with the alien race behind the whole thing yet.
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That’s right: The Dominators will come to Supergirl, and she won’t have The Flash, Green Arrow, or the crew of the Waverider with her when she sees them next (although having a Daxamite and a couple of Martians in your corner isn’t a bad place to start).
Since Invasion!, the story from Keith Giffen, Bill Mantlo, Todd McFarlane, and Bart Sears, remains the definitive account of the DC Universe crossing paths with The Dominators, took a quick speed-read through that storyline — and a few of the Legion of Super-Heroes stories Giffen wrote with the Dominators, too — to try and make sense of just what they might be doing when they come to Supergirl in 2017.
Some of these are things that will probably happen, some are things that almost definitely won’t, but would make sense. Most probably land somewhere in the middle. Still, given the little bit of intel we have, we were able to cobble together a pretty respectable list of things that might play into Supergirl’s one-on-one battle with a race that she seemed pretty scared of when she talked about their attacks on Krypton during “Invasion!”
While, obviously, we have no concrete answers yet, it’s always fun to speculate.
So read on, and if we missed anything, let us know in the comments!
NEXT: The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow Crossover Trailer / First Look At The Dominators / Invasion! Crossover Promo Photos / Potential The Flash Spoiler Spotted On Set / Will Joe West Die During The Invasion! Crossover? / Enter To Win An Ultra-Rare Invasion! Crossover T-Shirt
Supergirl airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET/PT; The Flash on Tuesdays at the same time; Arrowon Wednesdays and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow on Thursdays.
As aliens came to The Flash, Arrow, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, could metahumans also come to Supergirl?
There would be a certain symmetry if the Dominators brought them, and on one level, it would make sense.
During last week’s episode of The Flash, Supergirl told the other heroes that Dominators had abducted and experimented on Kryptonians — something they also did on humans in the 1950s on Earth-1.
We do know that Supergirl‘s Earth-38 has at least two metahumans on it — regular people who developed powers without explanation and has no ties to aliens — in the form of Silver Banshee and Live Wire, who appeared during last year’s crossover with The Flash. Given The Dominators’ fear of metahumans in both the comics and during the “Invasion!” crossover, it wouldn’t be surprising to see them come to investigate the incidents.
(Superfan RaynMakr on Twitter pointed out that technically, Bizarro is also a metahuman in this universe.)
And while they’re here, if they were to either start experimenting, or drop the metagene bomb like in the comics, either one of those two things could activate some latent metahuman powers.
…Maxwell Lord, last year’s season-long big-bad who, in the comics, actually had superhuman powers and eventually morphed into a full-on supervillain.
Max showed no signs of powers last year, but then again, it’s not like he developed them right away in the comics to begin with. One of the earliest manifestations of any kind of latent metagene — and the thing that outed him as abnormal to a lot of other characters — was his collapse following the detonation of the metabomb during Invasion!.
Currently Kara’s boss at CatCo, one of the people most impacted by the Dominators’ experiments in the comics was Snapper Carr.
Longtime “mascot” of the original Justice League, Snapper had been out of circulation for a while when he was kidnapped and taken on board a Dominator ship. Subjected to numerous cruel and violent “tests” to make possible metahuman abilities manifest themselves in the face of stress, Snapper was one of about 10% of all the participants who turned out to have powers.
Eventually calling themselves The Blasters (after the laser weapons that killed most of their friends but gave them their powers), Snapper and a handful of other former abductees played a key role in defeating the Dominators.
In addition to big roles for Max Lord, Snapper Carr, and Martian Manhunter in Invasion!, the Daxamites were quite literally game-changers in the story.
A group of Daxamites were part of the Dominators’ invasion forces, but participated with the understanding that they were a peaceful people and wouldn’t kill except in self-defense. They were there to aid in scientific research and to provide medical care to injured Dominion forces.
Of course, they didn’t realize that when they got to Earth they would all have powers roughly comparable to those of Superman…but that our environment had air with higher concentrations of lead than they were used to, and that could kill them.
Ultimately after some of them fell ill and Superman opted to help them rather than harm them, they realized they were on the wrong side of the fight and it was Superman and the Daxamites who played the single biggest role in turning back the alien armada.
With Mon-El on Earth in this story and the clear impression that he’s lying about…something…in his Daxamite backstory, this seems like it could be a great opportunity to tell two stories at once.
Of course, before Invasion! made them all-purpose DC villains, The Dominators were primarily associated with who? The Legion of Super-Heroes.
We recently wrote about the idea that the Legion could be coming to Supergirl, noting that Mon-El has decades of ties to the Legion in the comics and that Superman had a Legion of Super-Heroes flight ring in the Fortress of Solitude in season 1, implying that he already has a relationship with them in the world of the show.
Last week, DC even released a video (seen above) detailing their top ten Legion of Super-Heroesstories, couched in the context that with Mon-El appearing on Supergirl, “the Legion of Super-Heroes can’t be far behind.”