The first reviews for Assassin’s Creed have surfaced online, and many of the more respected film sites have found few nice words to say.
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Many critics point to a muddled plot and half-hearted performances as a reason to pass on the video game adaptation.
However, some of the critics claimed that the movie’s visuals made it worth watching. They also claimed that – while a bit of a mess – Assassin’s Creed was the best video game adaptation ever made. Judging by the genre’s previous entries, that isn’t saying very much.
Click through the slideshow to check out some of the reviews of Assassin’s Creed, but be sure to head to the theaters this weekend to see the movie and make your own opinion.

While IndieWire critic Dave Erlich states that the movie is “silly and senseless” he also manages to call it “The bestย video game movie ever made.”
The review points out the many flaws of Assassin’s Creed, but manages to help lift up a struggling genre as well. Video game movies haven’t had a lof of success over the years, but this review provides hope that the right steps are being taken to make this video game adaptations a box office juggernaut.
Unlike IndieWire, the review from Variety had no kind words for the film.
Critic Owen Gleiberman trashed the decisions of the talented cast members to join the project, the amount of money spent producing the film, and just the overall flop that he considered the film to be.ย
Much like IndieWire, Independent thought Assassin’s Creed definitely rose up the mess of other video game adaptations.
The review stated that the movie stayed extremely faithful to the video game series – but that isn’t always a good thing. Just like the games, the film seems to suffer from a difficult story – but finds itself lifted up by exhilirating visuals.
The Hollywood Reporter
The Hollywood Reporter was in no way kind to Assassin’s Creed. While they thought the film suffered from a multitude of ailments, they had some particularly harsh words for the writers.
And although the film’s hero is a new one invented for the big screen, writers Bill Collage and Adam Cooper (Exodus: Gods and Kings, Allegiant) and Michael Lesslie (Macbeth) haven’t bothered to overlay anything fresh, like personality.
The title of this Collider review says it all – “Bleak and Unmoving.”
“You can have stunning visuals, promising source material and a fantastic ensemble, but all of that is going to cave under the pressure created by a complete lack of access to the characters.”