“Shadow of Death” begins with a flashback of Gambi approaching a younger Jefferson and his father on the street. Gambi’s upset that Jefferson’s father outed Tobias Whale in his article, causing Tobias to be indicted.
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We then see a montage of Jefferson at his father’s funeral interlaced with Gambi watching news reports of riots happening around Freeland. We see a young Jefferson first use his powers as he’s about to be beaten by cops with billy clubs.
Present day, the Pierce’s and Gambi have gathered around an unconscious Jefferson who’s experiencing tremors. Lynn reveals that his powers are now interacting with his nervous system.
Jennifer goes outside to get fresh air, and Gambi follows her out. She asks Gambi about Khalil and the people with him and he explains that Tobias, Syonide, and Khalil are all artificial metahumans that take supplements or have procedures to grant them powers.
Khalil approaches Tobias and apologizes for killing Black Lightning as they’re unaware that Jennifer revived him. They share a tense moment where Tobias wonders aloud whether to kill Khalil.
An ASA agent approaches Martin Proctor and informs him that the pods they’re storing metahumans in are failing, and they could lose all metahumans within 10 hours.
Gambi is walking through the woods with Jennifer and Anissa. He explains to them the first time their father used his powers.
Lynn’s talking to Jefferson about how alone she is without him, trying to get him to wake up.
Syonide and Khalil bring Lala to Tobias. Tobias explains that Lala’s visions of Lawanda and Will are a side effect of being reanimated. Tobias calls Lala “Tattoo Man” and tells him to get back to work.
Jefferson begins seizing again, and Gambi and the girls return inside to help out.
Lala’s now being questioned by Proctor and his men. They’re asking Lala for Tobias Whale’s whereabouts. Lala begins coughing, and we see that Lala’s swallowed a string. Proctor leaves the room, and we find out that Tobias rigged Lala with a bomb. The room explodes, but Proctor is able to leave safely.
Jefferson is having a vision where he’s speaking with his father in the past. He asks his father whether it was worth it to write an expose on Tobias, and his dad admits that he’s unsure. After finishing the conversation with his father, Jefferson awakes from his coma.
He’s immediately greeted by Lynn, and the rest of the family rushes in to speak with him. He sits up and looks at his hands and reveals that he can’t feel his powers.
Proctor and his agents pinpoint Gambi’s location and track him to the safehouse.
Tobias takes an injection of his serum and is told by Syonide that they’re unable to confirm whether Lala actually exploded at the ASA.
Gambi rushes upstairs at the safehouse to tell Jefferson and Lynn that the ASA found the safehouse and have agents approaching. Gambi starts looking at the agents using his portable computer monitors. He informs the Pierce family that the agents are more experienced than any Navy SEALs, and he begins hatching a plan.
Jefferson puts on his Black Lightning suit and tells Gambi to power it up, which would at least make it bulletproof without Jefferson’s powers. Jefferson decides he’s going to act as a distraction, which Jennifer disagrees with. Before Jefferson’s able to walk out the front door, Jennifer’s powers begin to explode, and she hugs her father.
We see that the hug from Jennifer gave her father his powers back. Gambi reminds Jefferson that even if he bests these agents, the ASA will still be after them and tries to convince him and his family to leave town to start a new life. The Pierces refuse, and they all agree to take on the ASA.
Jefferson and Anissa exit the safehouse and begin fighting with the agents.
Syonide tells Tobias that there’s a major firefight going on north of Freeland. Inspector Henderson’s also alerted of the fight, and he sends out a SWAT unit.
Proctor’s monitoring the ambush and gets upset that his men are dropping. Alarms begin going off at the ASA, and we see that Tobias, Syonide, and Khalil have broke into their facility and start taking out all of the ASA agents, but Proctor’s able to get away again.
Henderson and the SWAT team arrive at the safehouse, but the Pierces are able to escape. They immediately go to Proctor’s warehouse where he’s storing the metahumans in pods. Gambi walks in and reveals that he found out Proctor is no longer acting on behalf of the federal government. Rather, Proctor and his team have been rogue agents.
After a quick argument, Gambi pulls out a gun and shoots Proctor twice, killing him. Instead of getting the metahumans out themselves, Lynn decides to alert the media of Proctor’s experiments on metahumans.
Henderson hosts a press conference to say thanks to Black Lightning and Thunder for exposing the metahuman experiments.
The Pierce family returns home.
Syonide brings Tobias a bag of Proctor’s severed fingers so he can open a brief case Proctor previously owned. Tobias looks in the brief case, but we’re unable to see what’s in it. Tobias tells Syonide that he’s now the king of Freeland.