Today at New York Comic Con, fans got their first look at Ethan Peck as Spock in Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 on CBS All Access.
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The first look was revealed during a trailer released at New York Comic Con. Spock is seen being brought in on a gurney. He is fully-bearded and has to be shocked back to consciousness.
The trailer includes a single line from Spock: “As a child, I had the same vision, again and again. Now I understand where it must lead.”
It sounds like this line is connected to the mystery of the seven signals that is at the heart of the show’s second season.

Peck will be playing the role made famous by Leonard Nimoy in Star Trek: The Original Series and played by Zachary Quinto in the most recent three Star Trek movies.
“Through 52 years of television and film, a parallel universe and a mirror universe, Mr. Spock remains the only member of the original bridge crew to span every era of Star Trek,” said Star Trek: Discovery co-creator, showrunner, and executive producer Alex Kurtzman in a statement when Peck’s casting was first announced. “The great Leonard Nimoy, then the brilliant Zachary Quinto, brought incomparable humanity to a character forever torn between logic and emotion. We searched for months for an actor who would, like them, bring his own interpretation to the role. An actor who would, like them, effortlessly embody Spock’s greatest qualities, beyond obvious logic: empathy, intuition, compassion, confusion, and yearning. Ethan Peck walked into the room inhabiting all of these qualities, aware of his daunting responsibility to Leonard, Zack, and the fans, and ready to confront the challenge in the service of protecting and expanding on Spock’s legacy. In that spirit, we’re thrilled to welcome him to the family.”
Star Trek: Discovery stars Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael Burnham, a human woman raised from an early age by Sarek and Amanda Grayson, Spock’s parents. The show’s second season will go into further detail about the relationship between Burnham and her foster brother.
Kurtzman has previously noted how difficult Spock is as an actor’s role.
“Everybody assumes that just because Spock is all about logic, that there is no emotion in there and that’s entirely untrue,” he says. “So, finding an actor who can convey what we know to be very Vulcan, but also reveal so much emotion in the eyes and in the small gestures, so you understand there’s just a tornado of things happening under the surface is critical. So you need an actor who can do both of those things at the same time, which is very challenging.”
Peck is the grandson of Gregory Peck, the actor who won an Academy Award for playing Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird in 1962.
What do you think about Peck as Spock in Star Trek: Discovery Season Two? Let us know in the comments!
The first season of Star Trek: Discovery is available to stream in its entirety on CBS All Access in the United States, through CraveTV in Canada and through Netflix in other international markets.
Star Trek: Discovery Season Two is now filming in Toronto and will premiere in January 2019.