
‘Apex Legends’ Crash Reveals a Hidden Lobby

Apex Legends players have discovered what a pre-game lobby looks like during the Legend select […]

Apex Legends players have discovered what a pre-game lobby looks like during the Legend select screen after a match crashed during that stage.

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After finding a game and joining the screen where they’ll select a Legend to play as, players have a few moments before the game actually starts when everyone else is picking from the open characters. In the video below that was shared on the Apex Legends subreddit, a player’s match crashed during that stage, but instead of kicking them back to the lobby where squads can be formed, it first sent them to what looks like a passageway in the game’s mountainous canyon area. It looks as though it might be a trail leading into the actual arena players fight in complete with a dramatic entranceway, spotlights and all.

This also seems to explain some of the noises that players have heard when they’re joining in a match. Within the same thread that contained the video, players commented to say that they’d heard noises like other Legends talking, Caustic coughing, and other sounds when choosing their Legend. If the game’s putting all the chosen characters in a pre-game lobby to prepare players for the match, that’d certainly explain those noises.

The pre-game lobby looks a bit rough around the edges and isn’t as polished as other parts of the game, but it honestly doesn’t sound like a bad idea to have Legends make a dramatic entrance through the gates to the arena. Players all start in the ship and have to drop from the sky anyway, but getting a glimpse of the pre-game lobby only adds to the aesthetic of the Apex Games sensation that’s at the core of Apex Legends.

Being able to see the pre-game lobby was only possible because of a crash though which isn’t ideal for players actually trying to play the game, but Respawn Entertainment has said it’s aware of these crashes and plans on addressing PC issues in an upcoming patch. That update could come as soon as this week since Season 1 is expected to begin soon along with the release of a battle pass that players think they know more about now that details have leaked.

[h/t DualShockers]


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