Game of Thrones Composer Releases the Night King's Ominous Theme Online

Game of Thrones' most recent episode, which brought the long-awaited 'Battle of Winterfell' to [...]

Game of Thrones' most recent episode, which brought the long-awaited "Battle of Winterfell" to life, had quite a lot for fans to emotionally and mentally process. If you're among those who want to relive one of the episode's most epic moments from a technical scale, you're in luck.

Spoilers for the third episode of Game of Thrones' final season, "The Long Night", below! Only look if you want to know!

Ramin Djawadi, who serves as Thrones' composer, has officially released his "The Night King" track from the show's final season. The track, which essentially serves as the theme for the mysterious Ice King, has already been played over half a million times on YouTube.

As fans who have seen the episode know, the Night King's arrival in Winterfell brought some pretty interesting surprises along with it.

"This is the dread coming to your door." writer and producer Bryan Cogman recently explained. "The White Walkers and the Night King are the end personified. Whatever that means to you, that's what you're going to see next week."

"We just have to tell the story we want to tell, and feel the rhythm of the story as we're laying it out," Cogman added. "There aren't any conversations about what people are going to think. If it feels right, that's what we do. We determined pretty early on that we would explore this idea of, "What would you do if you thought it was your last night on Earth?" It felt appropriate, and even necessary, at this stage in the game — no pun intended."

While the villain got some pretty epic moments in the episode, some have argued that his time was cut a little too short on the show as a whole. But hey, at least everyone can relive the villain's awesomeness by replaying Djwadi's track again and again.

Will you be adding the Night King's theme to your Game of Thrones playlist? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

The final season of Game of Thrones airs Sundays at 9/8c on HBO.