X-Men: Dark Phoenix Featurette Looks Back on Franchise's Legacy

20th Century Fox has declared today to be X-Men day. Tickets for Dark Phoenix are now on sale and [...]

20th Century Fox has declared today to be X-Men day. Tickets for Dark Phoenix are now on sale and the studio has released a featurette looking back on the legacy of the X-Men movies franchise.

The featurette has the cast of the X-Men franchise discussing how life-changing the franchise has been, how it changed superhero movies, and how it's different than anything that has come before or since. The films featured include X-Men, X2: X-Men United, X-Men: The Last Stand, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, X-Men: First Class, The Wolverine, X-Men: Days of Future Past, X-Men: Apocalypse, Logan, and Dark Phoenix. You can see it in full above.

The X-Men movies began in 2000 and set the modern superhero movies renaissance in motion. After nearly 20 years, Dark Phoenix is expected to be the final installment of the series as Disney regained the rights to the franchise through the purchase of 20th Century Fox.

Dark Phoenix will be the X-Men movies' second attempt at adaptating "The Dark Phoenix Saga," the most popular X-Men story of all time. X-Men: The Last Stand previously tried to adapt the story, but fans were disappointed in the outcome.

Dark Phoenix star Sophie Turner has spoken before about the pressure to get this version of "The Dark Phoenix Saga" right. "Yes a lot of pressure," she said. "I knew Simon [Kinberg, writer and director] was taking me out to lunch and he sits me down and tells me it's Dark Phoenix and I'm like 'f*****k." I know it's one of the most loved stories of the X-Men universe and for Simon to trust me enough with this responsibility is a big honor. And I want to do the fans of the original story justice, and of course, there's a lot of pressure especially having been done before. Simon would tell you that it was a B-plot of the movie and he felt it had to be the main plot of the movie."

What do you think of the new featurette? Let us know in the comments. Dark Phoenix opens in theaters on June 7th.


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