Humanity’s fate is on the line once again in the upcoming Terminator: Dark Fate, the action-packed follow up to Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The film, which is headed into theaters in November, sees a new, terrifying Terminator coming for a young woman but in a series of three new television spots from the upcoming film, that Terminator is going to have one incredible fight on his hands to achieve his goal thanks to Sarah Connor. It’s what may be the most critical battle for humanity yet and, as you can see in the video above, winning it may mean getting an assist from Arnold Schwarzenegger’s T-800 “Model 101”.
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There’s quite a bit of new footage in these new spots, giving fans their best look yet at some of the epic action sequences in the film, which sees original franchise stars Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton return while joined with newcomers Mackenzie Davis, Natalia Reyes, and Gabriel Luna. The first of the three spots in particular appears to be mostly new footage from the film, showing just how dangerous the new Terminator really is.
Terminator: Dark Fate sees the return of Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day director James Cameron, though this time he is serving as a producer on the franchise. Deadpool‘s Tim Miller directs the film which will ignore previous sequels Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, Terminator: Salvation, and Terminator: Genisys. Dark Fate is also set to end Sarah Connor’s story in the franchise, according to Miller.
“I always looked at it as examining the consequences of the choices she makes,” Miller said. “And this movie has a time travel aspect, of course, but all of us kind of faced the same problem where you make decisions in your life that will have big consequences in the future based on the path you pick and the decisions you make, and sometimes you have to make those decisions without a complete understanding of the implications of those decisions. And it’s something, I think, that everybody can relate to, and often, as I’m sure we’ve all experienced, sometimes those decisions don’t work out well. So I think that this movie was about Sarah examining the implications of those decisions.”
You can check out the official synopsis for Terminator: Dark Fate below.
“Linda Hamilton (Sarah Connor) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (T-800) return in their iconic roles in Terminator: Dark Fate, directed by Tim Miller (Deadpool) and produced by visionary filmmaker James Cameron and David Ellison. Following the events of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Terminator: Dark Fate also stars Mackenzie Davis, Natalia Reyes, Gabriel Luna, and Diego Boneta.”
Terminator: Dark Fate hits theaters on November 1st.