Detective Pikachu's Ryan Reynolds Addresses Why He Swears So Much

With a week until the premiere of the first live-action Pokemon movie, fans are starting to get [...]

With a week until the premiere of the first live-action Pokemon movie, fans are starting to get excited for Ryan Reynolds CGI performance in Detective Pikachu. It's a different kind of project for Reynolds, who is mostly known for his foul-mouthed performances in franchises like Deadpool. But previews for the movie have shown that his version of Pikachu also partakes in the swears.

During an interview with BBC Radio 1, Reynolds was bombarded with a question from a 7-year-old boy named Braxton who demanded to know why the actor cusses so much. You can watch Reynolds' hilarious response above.

"Why do I swear so much? Braxton, when have you ever heard me swear? I never swear. Ever! Not even once!" Reynolds said, with a knowing look at the camera.

He added, "I've read some studies that said that people who swear are possibly more intelligent. So I hope one day you have the option to swear and choose not to. That's probably the higher power ... Braxton, be better than me, it's up to you now. I've always wanted to say that at a funeral."

Reynolds is embracing his status as the furry face of the franchise, taking the hard questions from some young fans. And though he didn't grow up with Pokemon, he's aware of the expectations that are on Detective Pikachu.

While speaking with, Reynolds addressed his history with the franchise and admits that he's now well-versed in the Pokemon lore.

"I knew about Pokemon, but I didn't know much about the nuance and detail, so I sort of just missed it. I checked it all out, and it was fantastic, amazing world. I can't believe there hasn't been a live-action movie before."

When asked why he didn't think there was a live-action film until now, he gave a reasonable response:

"I don't think technology actually caught up to this. Anytime you get to be part of a pioneering trip like this, it's pretty exciting."

Well, the time has come for a new hero (with an addiction to caffeine) to rise. Fans can see Detective Pikachu when it premieres in theaters on May 10th.


Exciting news, Pokemon fans -- A Wild Podcast Has Appeared, the official Pokemon podcast of, is here! Check it out by clicking here or listen below.

On today's premiere episode, we talk Detective Pikachu, discuss the new Pokemon Pass app, run down Pokemon Go's Legendaries, and more! Make sure to subscribe now to never miss an episode!