In the world of the Galar Region, Pokemon has entered into some dangerous new territory. The Wild Area was first introduced as a part of the video game, Pokemon Sword And Shield, wherein trainers would enter into a wide open landscape where dangerous and powerful pocket monsters would roam. The spin-off anime of Pokemon: Twilight Wings has taken things one step further by exploring the Galar Region even more, with the most recent episode looking through the eyes of Gym Leader Bea. The fighting type trainer hasn’t just increased her ability in the Wild Area, but also shown us why humans should NEVER fight Pokemon!
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Following her defeat at the hands of Leon, the current trainer champion of Galar, Bea decides that she needs to take things up a notch. Entering into the dangerous zone with her fighting type pocket monsters, she begins braving the harsh environments of the area as well as some dangerous pocket monsters that will help increase her strength. In order to improve her strength, Bea goes the extra level by getting into a full blown fist fight with her Machamp!
Needless to say, she doesn’t come away from this fight as the victor as Machamp’s overall strength far exceeds her own. Introduced as a part of Generation One of Pokemon, Machamp is one of the physically strongest pocket monsters around, with its fists making it one of the best fighting type Pokemon around! Thanks to its insane levels of strength, it easily wins the fight against its owner of Bea, putting the fight to an end quickly, though brownie points have to be given to the Galar Region trainer.
One of the strengths of Pokemon: Twilight Wings is focusing on the characters of the Gym Leaders that were introduced in the video game entry of Sword And Shield! While Bea herself didn’t win the fight against her strongest pocket monster, her ability to even stand against him for a limited time shows her internal strength and determination, proving that her status as a Gym Leader was well earned! With Leon entering into the main series that follows the adventures of Ash and Go, there’s a strong possibility that Bea herself may find her matching her skills as a trainer against Ketchum and his Pikachu!
What did you think of this most recent episode of Pokemon: Twilight Wings? Which Pokemon do you think a human could easily defeat in a one on one fight? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and Pokemon!