Peru Itagaki struck gold in creating an anime world wherein predator and prey attempted to co-exist in a world not too different from our own. Beastars recently started its final season on Netflix, promising to bring a crescendo to the series that introduced anime viewers to the story of Legosi and Haru, but that doesn’t mean its creator is ending their career. Itagaki is currently working on a brand new manga that is about to hit the stands and it is one that has a concept that might have fans thinking of Marvel’s Eddie Brock. “Symbiosis” is no stranger to the anime world and Peru is taking full advantage in the upcoming Taika’s Reason.
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Beastars, for those who might be unfamiliar with the popular anime franchise, focuses on the forbidden love of Legosi, a wolf, and Haru, a rabbit. Both attending a school that sees predators and prey attempting to live in unison, a murder mystery threatens to unravel the peace that so many wanted to see. Peru Itagaki has already released the final chapter of Beastars and the anime adaptation from Studio Orange is attempting to play catch-up with the final season arriving on Netflix last year. Itagaki’s new manga might not take place in the same universe, but it seems as though the manga artist is aiming to play on some similar elements.

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Taika’s Reason: A Symbiotic Romp
The new manga by Itagaki is one that highlights the “symbiosis” between man and beast in a way that is far different from the relationship held by Eddie Brock and his alien suit. Despite this, the main character of Taika’s Reason finds herself “hand cuffed” to Taika, a dogman who lives in a world where both dogmen and catmen run wild. The bizarre story sees Taika murdering protagonist Ao’s father, with the high schooler hiding the evidence.
When the decision is eventually made to transform the family dog into a “dogman,” the beast apparently is having a hard time in hiding its guilt. Ao doesn’t have an alien suit that grants her super powers but much like Eddie Brock, has to deal with this creature that is tied to her at the wrist thanks to their shared secret. In Japan, the first chapter of the manga has been released, so for those hoping to see this animated, we’ll most likely be waiting for some time to see Taika’s Reason hit the small screen if ever.
Anime Runs in The Itagaki Family
Ironically, Peru Itagaki is only the latest member of the family to create a stunning anime franchise. Their father, Keisuke Itagaki, is the creator of Baki The Grappler, which ironically also has an anime adaptation on Netflix as well. Considering how completely different the franchises are, seeing a crossover in the future seems unlikely, but stranger things have happened in the anime world.
Want to see whether Taika’s Reason receives its own anime adaptation in the future? Follow along with Team Anime on for the latest on Peru Itagaki and Beastars and hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics and anime.