Berserk, the long running anime franchise, has spent years telling the tragic tale of Guts, a mercenary fighting both humans and demons in a fantasy setting with a gigantic sword, with one fan artist deciding to merge the black swordsman’s “Dragon Slayer” with the recently revealed upcoming console from Sony in the Playstation 5. Though we doubt that this new make over would make Guts’ weapon as effective as it is in its regular form, but lord knows that Guts could certainly use a break from the endless onslaught of demons that are attacking both him and his friends!
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The Playstation 5 has been the long awaited next generation console from Sony Entertainment, revealing its design recently through a trailer that showed off not only the upcoming platform’s design, but also a number of games that will be released on the console. Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Resident Evil 8, Ratchet And Clank, and numerous other games are planned to be released as a part of the Playstation 5’s library, with the console slated to be released later this year just in time for the holiday season. With many projects in the world of entertainment being delayed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, it will be interesting to see if it is still able to make its original date.
Instagram User Berserker_1987 shared this ingenious crossover between the dark anime franchise of Berserk and the upcoming Sony Entertainment console that merges Guts’ “Dragon Slayer” sword with the Playstation 5 in a hilarious piece of art:
Berserk hasn’t had the same number of games as the likes of Dragon Ball and One Piece, but it certainly has made its mark on the Sony Playstation in the past. The most recent game released on the Playstation was the “musou game” in Berserk And The Band of the Hawk, letting fans of the anime franchise take the helm of many characters from the dark franchise and plow their way through hordes of demons!
What do you think of this ingenious fusion between Berserk and the upcoming Playstation 5? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the black swordsman!