Chainsaw Man’s anime adaptation has taken the anime world by storm, with Studio MAPPA telling the tragic and bloody story of Denji as he attempts to fulfill his mundane dreams by becoming a devil hunter. With the manga continuing to follow the world of devils, albeit via a new protagonist in the War Devil, a fan theory has emerged that there might be a new Chainsaw Devil in town impersonating the Shonen protagonist who started it all.
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The latest installments from the bloody Shonen manga focused on Asa’s friend Yuko striking a bargain with the Justice Devil and using her newfound powers as a devil herself to strike down more than a few of their classmates, under the assumption that she was murdering “bullies”. Of course, as is usually the case, striking a deal with a devil can result in some terrible repercussions for the human involved along with those around them. Yuko murders more than a few innocent students, but reunites with Asa, burying the hatchet. Unfortunately for Yuko, she runs into a problem that separates her head from her shoulders and appears to look a lot like the Chainsaw Devil.
Chainsaw Imposter?
Twitter User Denji Unleashed hints at the idea that many fans of Chainsaw Man might have been thinking, with the ominous shadow of Denji looming large following taking Yuko’s head, but potentially hinting at an imposter in their midst as Denji was shown sleeping alongside his dogs earlier in the chapter:
The mystery of who this new Chainsaw Devil might remain just that, with the manga planting the seeds that there is a terrifying force impersonating Denji. While we haven’t seen a devil in the past that has been able to perfectly mimic Denji in his devil form, it wouldn’t come as a surprise to see a demonic entity that could look exactly like the Chainsaw Devil based on the wild beings we have seen spring from the mind of Tatsuki Fujimoto in the past.
Do you think there is a Chainsaw Imposter who is threatening the world? Do you think the War Devil and Chainsaw Devil will team up to fight a new threat in the future? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Chainsaw Devil.