Dragon Ball Super’s manga has reached the thick of the fight against Cell Max with the newest chapter of the series, and it made some welcome changes to how the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie worked through this fight by giving Goten and Trunks a little more to do! Before the Dragon Ball Super manga kicked off its adaptation of the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie in full, there were a few chapters spent exploring Goten and Trunks before the movie’s story began. It was revealed that they became local superheroes who ended up inspiring the designs for Dr. Hedo’s Gamma 1 and Gamma 2.ย
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The Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero arc has been playing out pretty much beat for beat in the recent Dragon Ball Super manga’s latest chapters, but the end of the previous chapter teased a big shake up to the fight against Cell Max as it began in full. The movie’s version of the fight saw Goten and Trunks getting into the action, but the newest chapter of the series expands on their role by not only showing off their Super Saiyan power, but allowing them to showcase their superhero gear for some big moments.

How Does DBS Chapter 97 Change the Cell Max Fight?ย
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 97 sees Goten and Trunks put on their Saiyaman hero gear and take on Cell Max before they are immediately punched back down. Wanting to hold off the monster while Gohan and Piccolo recover, the two teens aren’t detracted by any means and go Super Saiyan to keep fighting. It’s here that they are able to take advantage of Cell Max’s early weaknesses (as the monster is not used to fighting in his body yet), and Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 realize that they are the two heroes that Dr. Hero modeled their Android bodies from.ย
Inspired by Goten and Trunks, the two Androids then full team up with the two Saiyanmen, and after a team hero pose, they work together to hit Cell Max with a “Cyclone Style! Tornado Super Hurricane” attack and actually deal some damage to the giant villain. This is unfortunately where the changes from the movie ends as Cell Max quickly recovers, and now it’s time to move into the final phases of the fight as the manga continues in future chapters.ย
How are you liking the Dragon Ball Super manga’s version of the Cell Max fight so far? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!