'Fairy Tail' Creator Teases Who He Thinks Natsu Winds Up With

Fairy Tail fans aren’t strangers to the shipping wars which have long followed the series. Over [...]

Fairy Tail fans aren't strangers to the shipping wars which have long followed the series. Over the years, audiences have rifted over whether Natsu should wind up with Lucy, Lisanna, or any other number of heroines. Now, the creator of Fairy Tail has weighed in on the debate, and fans are ready to go to war once again for their go-to ship.

Recently, Hiro Mashima appeared at New York Comic Con to meet with fans and talk about Fairy Tail's end. The creator spoke to attendees during a live-drawing panel, and it was there one fan asked Mashima who he felt Natsu would wind up with.

As you can see here, the crowd erupts into a sea of shouting as Mashima ponders his answer. Once the question is fully translated, Mashima pauses from sketching Natsu and Lucy and hold up the drawing itself as an answer to the question.

As you might have expected, fans are seen going wild after the creator drops his tantalizing answer.

If you are not versed in all things Fairy Tail, then you should know one of the fandom's biggest controversies stems from its shipping roots. Natsu has always been a possible lover to Lucy in the eyes of fans, but things became complicated when Lisanna was introduced. The girl had been presumed dead for years, but Fairy Tail revealed the girl was very much alive despite evidence to the contrary. Lisanna was sent to an alternate dimension where she lived for years, but the mage was able to return after her guild ended up visiting the same reality she had been trapped in. Given Lisanna's friendship with Natsu when they were kids, some fans began to ship the pair as adults.

When Fairy Tail ended this year, many had hoped the series would give a definitive say about Natsu and his would-be wife. The manga did wrap after Natsu had a touching moment with Lucy in her apartment, but the Dragon Slayer did not profess his undying love to anyone by the final chapter's end. However, if Natsu had to make a confession, it seems like Mashima would have it be to Lucy Heartfilia.