Mobile Suit Gundam was originally set to be a big part of the Tokyo Summer Olympics last year, firing off a “Gundam Satellite” into outer space to help relay fan messages aboard a vessel that housed Gundam plastic models, but because of the coronavirus pandemic, the delay of the event put this collaboration on hold. With the Summer Olympics set to arrive later this month, it seems that Gundam is going to have a role in the sporting events once again thanks in part to the shoe-makers at Nike, creating new sneakers to highlight the popular anime franchise.
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Gundam has made the news recently thanks in part to Netflix bringing the latest movie of the anime franchise, Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway, to its streaming service. The feature-length film, which will act as the first part of a trilogy, explores the original universe that got the ball rolling via new character that will act as the spiritual successor to both the original hero and villain of the series, Amuro and Char. With Netflix also planning a live-action film that will be the first in the mech franchise’s history, it’s clear that Gundam has a bright future ahead of it both in the East and the West.
Twitter User Solelinks shared the four new pairs of sneakers that will be released in conjunction with the upcoming Summer Olympics, proving that Gundam is still working to be a part of the event that was delayed as a result of COVID-19:
Nike SB Dunks for Tokyo Summer Olympics
Parra x Nike SB Dunk Low
FTC x Nike SB Dunk Low
Quartersnacks x Nike SB Dunk Low
Bandai Gundam x Nike SB Dunk High
Though the Gundam Satellite’s original plans didn’t take place, the franchise was able to see its “Walking Gundam” take its first steps when it was activated in Japan last year. Mobile Suit Gundam will continue on via a number of series and movies into the future, and we look forward to seeing how the series created by Yoshiyuki Tomino will make its way into the real world.
Will you be trying to pick up these Gundam sneakers when they release later this summer? What other anime would you like to see get the Nike treatment? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Gundam.