
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Cosplayer Has Fans Believing They Found the Real Dio

One JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure cosplayer has fans thinking they found the real Dio! Hirohiko Araki’s […]

One JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure cosplayer has fans thinking they found the real Dio! Hirohiko Araki’s original Weekly Shonen Jump magazine series is one of the most popular and longest running series of all time, and one of the ways Araki has maintained the series’ popularity despite its length is how well it’s been able to keep being fresh after such a long time. Essentially reinventing the wheel every so often, Araki has turned the series into a multi part saga spanning several years, characters, and even universes the longer it runs.

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This has given Araki a number of opportunities to introduce new characters over the series’ long run, but one that seems to stand out in fans’ minds is Dio. Not only is he one of the most beloved foes in the franchise overall, but he’s also the one with one of the most bombastic looks. You’d think it’d be tough to capture such a look in real life, but one cosplayer has gone viral for doing just that:

Artist siweiperfect (who you can find more work from on social media site Weibo) has captured the imagination of fans thanks to their pitch-perfect take on Dio’s most famous look during the third, and arguably most popular, iteration of the franchise, Stardust Crusaders. It’s such a wild look that fans have offered their takes over the years to bring to life, and each one has definitely impressive just like this cosplay!

Despite how many powerful foes have been introduced to the franchise over the years, Dio remains one of the top ones among fans. This is especially so when you consider how many variations of the character Araki has introduced to the franchise either through later generations, or a family tree being sprouted in a whole new universe in later parts. Dio’s just as core to the series as the titular JoJos. If the franchise ever does get a live-action take for the Stardust Crusaders entry, Dio is going to be one of the crucial elements it needs to get right.

With cosplayers able to bring the villain’s look to life in cool ways like this, any official work is going to have to work that much harder to top it. What do you think? Would Dio work in live-action in the first place? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!