JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s story continues in the manga with the JOJOLands, as the anime adaptation remains on hiatus following Stone Ocean. Luckily, Hirohiko Araki’s beloved anime franchise is finding new avenues to tell the story of the Joestars. While the performance released new images of the Joestars’ latest live-action adaptation, the production has released a new trailer that not only shows the actors in action but also gives anime fans a first look at the songs being belted out in the musical.
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JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure isn’t the first anime franchise to receive its own musical, and you might be surprised to hear which other series hit the stage and started singing some tunes. In the past, we’ve seen Attack on Titan, Haikyu, Death Note, and Steins Gate as a few examples of anime properties that were certainly not musicals to start but transitioned into this arena. The shonen franchise, Bleach, is also planning to release a musical of its own that will cover one of the biggest arcs of the supernatural series. Should the Phantom Blood musical be a success, it will be interesting to see if other arcs of the series will get the same opportunity to have productions of their own.
Phantom Blood’s First Musical Trailer
Joestar fans in North America will luckily have the ability to watch a performance live next month, as two of the plays will be made available. The live streams will be available on April 13th and 14th next month, though if you want to catch the performances, you’ll need to pay around $36 USD to watch the musical battle between the first Joestar and Dio Brando.
If you want to learn more about the first JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure musical, here is the cast of the Phantom Blood production:
- Yuya Matsushita and Shotaro Arisawa as Jonathan Joestar
- Mamoru Miyano as Dio Brando
- Miisha Shimizu as Erina Pendleton
- YOUNG DAIS as Robert E. O. Speedwagon
- Yoshihisa Higashiyama and Yusuke Hirose as Will Anthonio Zeppeli
- Yamato Kochi as Jack the Ripper / Inspector Archer
- Jumpei Shimada as Wang Chan
- Kong Kuwata as Dario Brando
- Tetsuya Bessho as George Joestar I
Do you want to see more JoJo musicals in the future? Which anime franchise would work well as a musical? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Joestars.